Friday, May 23, 2008


Yesterday morning I had an hour or so to simply sit and journal. It was wonderful as it had been a while since I did so. I got the time because my internet access was down and I was having my coffee - can't do other chores and drink coffee at the same time. Anyway...there are some things I've been pondering lately and would love any insight you all want to give me.

First off...the least involved question. What ways are available to fight allergies - worst in the spring when tree pollen counts are high - that do not involve drugs that cause drowsiness as a side effect? Most over the counter allergy stuff either does very little to help or knocks me out sleeping.

Secondly...what realistic ways have you found to cut your gas usage? With gasoline at $4.00/gal (I was thrilled to pay able to pay $3.89/gal Thursday night - that's just wrong!) I'm looking for ways to cut back. The challenge is that Stretch is in Gospel Choir so is out every Sunday while Squirrel takes TaeKwonDo classes at least twice a week. Squirrel can - until school lets out - ride a school bus and get dropped off for class. I still have to go pick him up. Stretch has to be both dropped off and picked up every time. Biking is not really an option simply because he is in dress clothes. For Squirrel it's an 8 mile bike ride which I'm not willing to have him do yet - not to mention that he's got a large equipment bag that goes with him. We live in the country which normally is wonderful but there is a minimum of a 2 mile distance to anywhere for us.

Third and final question...what are some realistic ways to make one day of the week an actual "rest day" that does not involve a mountain of chores that don't get done other days? Being a single working mom I find it a challenge to say the least. Also what does a "rest day" look like? Is it simply "no chores" - vegging out in front of the TV or is it more - Doing something fun as a family, having time to be "creative" - with beads, scrap booking, cross stitch, "playing" in the dirt, simply having time to journal or to sit and read? I realize that each individual and each family will have different ideas of what is does one balance those differences? For me...a huge part of a rest day is not having to cook a huge meal and not having to clean the kitchen afterwards. I have no problem grilling or doing something really simple. That gets old sometimes though.

I am looking forward to reading your comments on this.


Karen said...

Saving Gas: You have places you have to be at certain times. If you make sure you plan to do errands while you are out--in order not to do an extra trip anywhere when you don't have to BE somewhere--that might help.

Day of Rest: I think that has to be a choice you make. If you haven't made a choice to take a day of rest, you will find that too many things will press in upon you. I can tell you what works for me--you may already know. Sunday is my day of rest, and I have made a choice NOT to do any chores that can be done on another day--no laundry, no cleaning, no bookkeeping, or even lesson planning. I try to make meals as simple as I can on that day, dinner in crockpot, and supper of buns and cheese or leftovers reheated. Some kitchen cleanup is necessary, but I try to make it as minimal as possible--even if that means running the dishwasher 3X that day. You know how I feel about TV--but if we had one, it would be off on Sundays. I don't find it restful at the best of times. I think a day of rest (aside from church 2X on that day) can include time to read uplifting things and maybe some creative time--although I usually take a long nap instead.

You've heard me talk about allergies too often to mention it here. :)


d. miller said...

Great post.

I don't know what to say about allergies or rest, but I was just looking up tips to boost fuel economy before our trip west.

Turns out the biggest single thing you can do is slow down to around 55 mph (


Anonymous said...

Allergies- Erin and I suffer ALOT and so has Luke this year. We take Zyrtec at night, daily. It definately helps. Erin also does allergy shots. We both have severe allergies to the outdoors and indoors. Also do not open the house up, run the air conditioner.

Gas- Try the hypermiling thing, I did on the way back from Ohio today 80 miles one way and my gas gauge barely moved. I have also thought about a moped for short trips.

Day of rest- Sundays usually, no chores or few (only the necessary.) Dinner and church as a family, then just relaxing however that looks!Family time, sitting and watching a movie or just sitting out on the deck, or even going and walking around the zoo.

Hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

don't really know what to say on the gas, as I don't drive, or on the allergies, as i just have no clue on that stuff. But for the days of rest-try to "plan" your day a bit better. Figure what you will do each day as your "chores" and figure a certain day, say wednesday, for your rest day. like monday-clean certain areas of house. tuesday-laundry and some other things. thursday-clean kitchen. and so on....of course in whatever order seems to suit you. And you will find it helps you become more organized, as you need to learn to do a bit more, and will help you not to be so stressed all of the time.
