Thursday, March 12, 2009

No Delay delay this morning and I ended up backing up the bus about half a mile. I had come in the same way I did yesterday morning to this one area - knowing there would likely still be at least some water on the road. However I couldn't tell at all how deep it was - nor could I, in the dark, accurately judge a turn-around without running the risk of hitting something. So I just backed out to where there was a dead-end drive that I was certain I could turn-around in. It made me run later than I did yesterday - thankfully I had received a call from the mom of my student who lives furthest east that he wasn't riding so I didn't have to pass his stop. The only other "excitement" on the bus route was seeing the ice running diagonally across a busy intersection that I have another stop at. The first time it wasn't a problem...the second time the back end of the bus kind of skidded around.

This morning by the end of bus route time snow was falling - and sticking slightly to roads. It seems to have stopped now and it's definitely cold. The plan for today is to get a thorough grocery list made and ready. Then I'll grocery shop this afternoon while Squirrel is in TaeKwonDo.

I'd better go for now - have a parent to attempt to call about an incident from earlier in the week. The other student involved has been kicked off the bus for a day - I would like to see the same thing for this student. Unfortunately I don't have much real hope that that's what will actually happen.

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