Diagnosis...sulfa drug allergy. Treatment...injection of Decadron and Kenalog (?) followed by course of oral steroids. Symptoms...headache, itchy rash and fever. Who....Stretch. He went to school today...ran a mile for cross country this afternoon - Coach looked at him and apparently wanted to send him right home. He had his worst race since freshman year of high school yesterday...getting better should make running easier and life generally more enjoyable for him.
Result...one terrified 13 yr old. Cause...rottweiller breaking out a picture window as said child was walking past the house on his way home from the bus. Who...Squirrel. After cross country practice each afternoon Squirrel rides the shuttle bus from the middle school to town and walks from the stop to my friend's house where he waits for me to finish up my bus route. Yesterday afternoon I could tell he was upset/mad/something when he walked to the car to put stuff away. He came inside and sat down at the table and filled us in..."I had a big dog break a window as I walked past". I was shocked...Becky and I walked down to check it out immediately...she'd called the cops on that dog before - on it getting out. This time it didn't come out and it didn't charge us...just stood in the open, glass-less window looking at us. We couldn't tell if it was hurt or not...but it had clearly taken all the glass out of the window leaving just shards. Owner who seemed very nice and was very apologetic said he'd recently had to move to town...lost the acreage he used to have where dog could run.
Add to the above...having two elementary students get into it on my bus...I was told one was beating the other one up. Unfortunately I don't think the video tape picked up enough of the events for there to be any action taken other than verbal warnings given. I've contacted parents and handled the paperwork.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
School Days Again
Busy busy busy...We are a full week into school and overall it's going fairly well. I can tell the students are getting much more comfortable with the bus and the school year as I'm having to spend more time at my RR crossings waiting on them to get quiet. High priority needs to be getting my seating chart done and posted. Problem is that while I love the results of having a seating chart...especially when I can use magnets to post the names - I hate drawing it up. Oh well I will get it done...earlier this year than I did last year.
I have the same route basically as I did last year. That's a huge yeah...made the morning route really easy - no new roads and most of the new kids were in town. My first pick-up was terrified to be riding the bus - she climbed on clutching her older sister's hand. Her mom and dad followed the bus the entire route and met her at school to escort her into the building. This afternoon going home I got a goodbye wave and an agreement that she'd see me in the morning. Now a week later she is doing much better. She is still afraid to walk to her classroom alone...and couldn't find my bus by herself this afternoon. However she is willing to walk with one of my older students into the building and to class. That's an improvement and a sign of growth. And I'm getting a real wave and smile when she gets off the bus in the evenings.
Today was Dipstick's first day of school for the year...the joys of juggling two different school schedules. He was kind of a mess this morning but hopefully had a good day. B left a few minutes ago to go get him from football practice...something new for all of us. (Squirrel and Stretch are doing cross country again this fall).
I'm sure there's plenty more to write about but in all honesty I'm tired tonight and my thoughts are scattered. The good news is that Stretch is feeling MUCH better than he was yesterday - I had him into the after hours clinic last night and he's on antibiotics for possible MRSA. Judging from the rapid response of his body they are doing their job thankfully.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
Pictures Finally..and stuff
Well...the house is very very quiet at the moment...all the guys are gone camping for the weekend. Stretch and Squirrel will probably be back tomorrow evening as they usually only go for the one night and the canoeing on Saturday. However B and Dipstick traditionally stay over until Sunday afternoon making it a full weekend. They are on a Father/Son camping trip headed up by one of the men from our church though it's not a "church-only" event. It tends to be more of a friendship building/outreach type event I think. I don't look forward to this trip all year long but usually when it comes around I get excited about having the house to myself for a bit - and maybe having the chance to work on a project that I don't usually have time for. Having said that...my time tends to go all too fast and I rarely get as much done as I hope to. Tonight I'm away to a home-party - that will be interesting I think though it was booked off one I held. Tomorrow I know that I have to go out to the butcher shop to pick up some meat I ordered. Other than that...I'm either going to work on scrapbooking or start sewing strips together for quilt tops provided I can get the sewing machine working.
To update on the end of our trip...the passports were received by 11:00 am Friday morning. That was a huge relief. We spent Friday visiting a hobby store (very large collection of farm toys)...lots of fun. We also went to a Farmer's Market and spent some time realizing how vast Lake Huron really is...we weren't really even on the lake but on a bay.
Monday was our beginning of school meeting for the bus drivers - this time it seemed very long. The good news is that my bus route is basically the same as it was last year...I'll have new kids of course but also will have many of the same ones I had last year. I hope that will make the adjustment period easier as they will already be familiar with my rules. (I just got off the phone with a "new" family who's moved into town.)
Other than that...this week has mainly been a catch-up week - and time spent getting re-organized after our trip and ready for school. Hopefully this time I can get some pictures to upload to post.
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