Friday, September 30, 2011


Kind of hibernating today...the high for the day was 55' F and we reached that this morning about 6 am. The wind is blowing, the leaves are rustling and it's been damp and misty all morning.

I hear the ticking of a wall clock, the wind blowing in the trees (blowing hard to hear it with all the windows closed), the muffled sound of a radio on Squirrel's room, the hum of an overhead fan in our bedroom and the clicking of the computer keys as I type. It is kind of neat to sit here in the quiet and listen to the sounds.

I was supposed to go to a friend's this morning after bus route - we usually try to get together every couple of weeks. However this time she had illness in her family and had to cancel. So I was able to come home from bus route and take a short nap. Now I just need to get motivated to accomplish something constructive. There is laundry to fold and put away, creative stuff to organize, cleaning to do...I need to also find more magnets so that I can make more name-tags for my bus. I have some students that are going to have to have an assigned seat in the mornings and it will require name tags.

Have much more to write about...on a day I can get my thoughts in some semblance of order. One of the big things on my mind is thinking about my mom and dad sending us off to boarding school. Considering that in those days there were no cell phones, computers were just coming available and all we had for communication was snail mail and the extremely rare operator placed phone call - usually made only when there was an emergency...Wow! Now I have almost daily text contact with Stretch...

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