Saturday, March 10, 2012


Feel like I'm on the upswing today. Was an emotional mess this past week - especially yesterday. Had known that this was an anniversary week but wasn't really aware of the date. Hard to believe Mike has been gone 9 years. So much has happened since then...Stretch has graduated high school, had a major bone break (2 bones) and started well in college. Throughout his healing from breaking his leg he maintained straight A's. Squirrel is now a freshman in high school and doing great. He's got his learner's permit and drives anytime I allow him to. I've remarried. We've all moved twice.

I've not written in what seems like forever - guess it's only been two weeks. In that time I've made an unplanned "emergency" trip north to help Dad with a couple things. (My sister who was originally scheduled to be there was not able to.) I rode the train this time - while both Stretch and Squirrel would have come with both had school. B does not like to travel and was extremely busy in the shop. I thoroughly enjoyed the train ride - not so much the layovers. I was really glad to be able to be there with Dad as well.

When I got back I jumped back into "life" with both feet - on the go. Rescheduled some stuff this week. It was nice to have Stretch home on his spring break. Probably the highlight of the week was breakfast with him on Wednesday morning.

Guess that's enough for now. My two goals for this month - that have not happened at all so far were to post a picture a day and get at least 10 minutes of mild exercise daily. I did get a couple good pictures while I was up north but that's as far as I've gotten. Feel like I need to wait until next month and start over. Maybe I will aim to start the 15th.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Sorry I never commented. I think that is a cool photo! And I am glad beyond measure that you were able to come for Dad.

That time seems a million years ago as we are stuck in waiting mode now.