Thursday, November 08, 2012

30 Days of Thanksgiving - Day 8

Today I am thankful for....a warm wood furnace even though it currently has no fire going.  That is being worked on as we speak.  (or as I write).  I am thankful for a nice home and plenty of food.  And I am thankful for healthy strong boys that can do much of the heavy chores around here.


On a different note - today ended up being another rather crazy busy day.  Did bus route this morning where I dealt with a couple behavior issues.  Got to take a short nap when I got home, balanced the checkbook, took care of my chickens, did a parts run and a little shopping, did bus route, had a meeting with someone I'm sort-of discipling, ordered food, picked up boys and finally got home about 7:30.  Makes for a long day but thankfully today I was not overly stressed about it.  This in spite of the "surprise" I found in the chicken coop today.  Unfortunately a possum decided that would be a nice warm dry place to hang out last night and today.  No chickens were harmed and I did have one egg so that was good.  (Picture may have to come tomorrow).

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