Friday, February 22, 2013


No school today - it is freezing drizzle out now on top of snow that we got overnight.  Sadly there is not much snow - just a couple of inches.  However I figured that now would be a good time to try to start blogging again.

Everything is expected to melt off this afternoon with warming temperatures.  However it was most enjoyable to watch the birds at the feeders this morning.  I've not actually counted how many birds there have been but I have several different varieties - 4 different woodpeckers, chickadees, at least one pair of cardinals, goldfinches, nuthatches, and 2 or 3 other birds that I've not yet identified.  So far I've not tried to take any pictures of them - for awhile I didn't have a memory card for my camera.  That problem has been solved - I have been doing some major cleaning - step by very slow step.  I know I'm still missing one - suspect it may have been left in Ontario last time I was up there over Christmas break.

Much has happened since I've last written.  It's hard to know where to start - and there's no way to include it all.  Mom was called home to be with Jesus December 31st, 2012.  All of us kids had spent time with her - I was the last one to arrive as the boys and I weren't able to leave here until Christmas Day.  We drove straight through even though we hadn't left until 3:30 pm.  Roads were mostly decent - except for some heavy snow in MI.  As a family we spent that last week taking turns sitting with Mom - reading, singing and visiting with each other.  Usually there were 2 of us "on" while the rest took turns resting and spending time with Stretch and Squirrel.  She was very peaceful at the end.  I will try to post some of the tributes in a separate post later.

B and Dipstick came up for the funeral and left that same day.  They were not excited about the 7 lanes of traffic going one direction...and totally feel like country living is the best.  Stretch, Squirrel and I got home late on the 5th and immediately jumped right back into daily life.  All are doing well overall but that was tough.

Dipstick is struggling with school again - not that he's unable to do the work, just that he does not want to.  It is frustrating - nothing seems to really motivate him.  He is involved in archery - and doing well at that.  State high school athletic rules say a student must pass 5 of 7 classes so he can still participate unless his dad and I pull him out.  But considering this is the first sport he's ever done we hate to do that. 

I guess I'd better be away. 

Picture at the top was taken on my phone camera one early Sunday morning when I had to drop Squirrel off for a Gospel Choir concert.  I thought the sun shining on the hoar frost was beautiful.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Gorgeous photo. And nice to see a blog post again.