Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Writing again...

It has been a coon's age since I've written.  What else is new in my life?  However, having said that, so much of what I've read and heard recently - in devotionals, blogs, and even our current sermon series at church is the importance of telling "our" stories and remembering what God has done in our lives.  While I certainly am not a writer and am not always good at remembering those things I am encouraged again to make writing more of a priority.  (I notice I wrote about this back in May of this year as well - wish I knew where the blog entry I wanted to link to was.  Yikes.) 

School has started back up again already.  I've had a really smooth start to the year in spite of the fact that my bus has been crowded in the mornings.  The "country" part of my route only has maybe 2 new students on it.  However when I get back to go through town my numbers easily triple in just 4 or 5 stops.  Most of the kids who challenged me so much last year are freshmen in high school now so I only have them on the bus for a very short time which means less time for them to challenge me and problems to arise.  Having said that I do have to watch for some inappropriate boy-girl interactions.  My afternoon route has more "new" students but is not nearly as crowded as it was last year and the year before.  That makes it nice.  I will still do a seating chart - it makes my life much easier and I don't tend to not realize someone is on that way.  Plus the kids seem to do better overall knowing they have a "reserved" seat each day.

Lately I've been busy with canning and freezing apples.  Was blessed with probably 4 bushels of "wild" un-sprayed granny smith type apples this month.  All I had to do was go help pick one afternoon.  A few were run through the dehydrator - I've decided in order for that to not be frustrating it would be nice to have more racks.  There are probably enough peeled and sliced in the freezer for 3 or 4 apple pies as well as a couple cups of chopped pieces for muffins, etc.  Then for the first time ever I did canned apple pie filling - got 5 qts of that and 13 pints of unsweetened applesauce as well as two batches of apple butter.  I've also canned tomatoes - would have liked to try drying a few of them as well but forgot in the rush to get them done.  Have 6 or 7 qts of sauce and probably 8 or 9 pints of diced tomatoes, mainly yellow ones.  Peaches are ready and I would like to do some of them.  And I really would like to go pick elderberries for jelly this week.  Earlier this year I canned and froze raspberries.

However the challenge at the moment is pain that has greatly increased over the past few days.  I'm not at all sure if it's simply that it really is increasing or the fact that I finally admitted that there was a problem in the knee and went to the doctor to confirm it means that I can no longer ignore or deny the pain.  Either way - I'm scheduled for knee surgery next Wednesday morning (week from tomorrow) to repair (cut out the torn part) my medial meniscus.  It is supposed to be an out-patient surgery where I'm home by mid-day and on crutches for the next 5 days.  If all goes as planned I should only have to take 3 days off work and be able to return after the long Labor Day weekend. 

I'm sure there was more I wanted to write about - need to update on the boys.  But it's time I got around for work this afternoon.  So that will have to wait.


Karen said...

Could it be that pain has increased because you've been doing so much canning? That is a lot of time on your feet. Maybe more than all summer?

I really really hope that you get through the surgery with no complications and that you heal well. I will be praying for you.

Edith said...

I've thought of that but I canned earlier in the summer as well and don't remember the pain being as bad or as constant. I'm really hoping that after surgery I can walk faster and with less discomfort.

adaughterofthemanse said...

Nice to hear from you again. :) One of these days I will get around to emailing you some photos of my bead work.