Wednesday, August 22, 2007

8 Random Facts

8 Random Facts about me:

1) I was born in Somalia

2) I am terrified of heights - to the point that I don't willingly climb anything higher than about 2 feet.

3) I love driving school bus - getting to know "my kids"

4) My favorite photo ops involve waterfalls and kids who aren't paying attention.

5) I nearly always have at least one book with me where-ever I go - and hate to finish one up without having another one handy.

6) I've kept a written journal pretty consistently since I was about 12 - and I still have most of them on a shelf in my "craft room".

7) I have way more craft projects to do then I'll ever have time to complete.

8) I still blush at the drop of a would think I would have outgrown that by now!

Ok...I'm not going to tag 8 people here. If you want to participate feel free and be sure to leave me a comment letting me know.


Warbler said... all about the crazy trip to the mid-west by the one...the only WARBLER!!!!!


Gina said...

Ya....I'm commenting you, so you missy, need to put some comments on mine! HA!

Gina said...

You soooo didn't put enough about anything else on my comment young lady!!!!! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1. I am quite sure that I don't know anyone else born in Somalia.
2. I was never afraid of heights when I was young. In fact, I parachuted from 3500 feet. Now, I don't even like the roller coaster. What is up with that? Some weird part of aging someone forgot to tell me about?
3. Your life must really change in September.
4. I always prefer pictures of me when I wasn't paying attention. I look so "yick" when I am trying to pose.
5. I nearly always have more than one book I am reading at a time... and I don't mind reading a book more than once, so... I don't worry too much about running out.
6. I never could get into journaling until I started blogging.
7. Ditto
8. I don't blush nearly enough. I am becoming accustomed to our culture and my sense of decency (or indecency) is blunted