Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We are just finishing up another 2 hour delay for this morning. It's much more gray out than it was yesterday morning - it's been raining since before I got up. To me it looks as if the ice is getting thicker on the trees and shrubs. However the roads are "just" wet at the moment. If the temperature - which currently is hovering just above freezing - drops any at all things will get very challenging. It feels very very cold out this morning though.

These pictures were taken yesterday after I got finished with my kindergarten shuttle. I did notice yesterday that places where tree branches did not normally touch the top of my bus routinely clipped them.

On a different note...my bus route went much more smoothly yesterday afternoon. I was full but not exceedingly crowded and it seemed the kids were slightly less wound up. We will see how things go today. Other than that it doesn't seem like there is too much exciting going on.


Julie said...


I know that it is dangerous to drive on... but your photos are beautiful. Except in the spring when it is starting to warm up, we don't get much ice. It is near 0, so when there is precipitation it is light fluffy diamond dust.

I could sit inside and look out the window for simply hours!

Edith said...

Thank you for the compliments - I love photography and do much better with outside pictures. Unfortunately our snow/ice is busy melting at the moment. At the same time, it's freezing on my bus windows.