Wednesday, June 28, 2006

For You Sis

I was reminded tonight that the purpose of blogging was to write stuff. Small problem - I haven't been able to think of much to write about. Actually that's not true - I think of stuff but by the time I get time to sit at the computer it's gone - guess I need to carry a notebook and write down at least the initial thought so that I can explore it later.

We had an amazing - for lack of a better description - thunderstorm this afternoon. Very dark sky, heavy downpour, pea-sized hail. Pea-sized hail doesn't sound like much but I haven't seen hail at all in the 2 years I've lived here. Both Son 2 and I got soaked running from the house to the barn and back - loved hearing the rain on the tin roof. (We actually went to the barn to close the door to protect the topless lawn mower.) It rained hard for about 15 minutes or so then quit and the sun came out. Thankfully my flowers didn't seem to be damaged and all got a good water. I'm slowly getting a perennial flower bed in. Actually this year I added some Gerbera daisies - dont' think those are really perennials. However I'm hoping that the seeds will come back next year. In the meantime, I have these cheerful, colorful flowers to enjoy while I'm waiting on my purple coneflower and shasta daisy to open.

This evening - after the storms had gone and the sun had come out for abit - we saw a doe in the yard under the apple tree by the fence. It probably stayed 10 or 15 minutes before it hopped back over the fence and disappeared into the woods. Of course I couldnt' remember where I'd put my camera so didn't get a picture this time. However I guess I need to go out tomorrow and take pictures of the flowerbeds I'm getting in.

Ok...I've rambled on enough. More another time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Much better!!

Would have loved to see the doe. We got the heavy rain too--just around 2:00p.m. It was lovely--although the thunder made me turn the computer off just when I wanted to check my blog.
