Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Travel Plans

Well the decision has been officially made to not leave on our trip until very early Thursday morning. Hopefully it will save us $ in that we won't be staying in a hotel on the way down. Also hopefully it will mean that I'm a little less stressed. We will likely still do two "sit down" meal stops - fast food just doesn't cut it when I'm driving. I'm still doing laundry and trying to clean. The frustrating part is that Son2 has been exceedingly difficult this week - refusing to go to bed, refusing to do chores, pitching tantrums....the list could go on. During these times he creates much more work which is not something I need when I'm trying ot get ready for a trip.

I wonder if some of Son2's behavior issues are related to the fact that we haven't been back to OK since we moved a year after Hubby died - we will hopefully be seeing friends that we haven't seen in some time. I know that I have some nerves about it - am anxious to see friends but also abit nervous about it. I don't really know what to expect in "undealt with" issues and memories. I'm very tired again tonight - and having odd dreams so not sleeping overly well.

1 comment:

~B. said...

are you okay? let me know... i haven't talked to you in waaay too long!!