Monday, July 09, 2007

Away in class

Ok I'm exhausted tonight - mainly due to not enough sleep last night and getting up very early this morning. I'm checked into my hotel for the night - very strange to be here without the kids. Class today went well I guess. The morning was pretty boring due to the fact that the instructor was doing driving safety tests with some of the drivers. I will do mine later this week locally. Once we finally started class we discussed haz mat stuff - I'm not legal to carry any at this point - that's ok with me. I will still take the test in the morning to see how I do. There's really a lot to learn - I'm rather glad that I drive school buses "fulltime" rather than truck driving. However this should be interesting for a change of pace. And thankfully the instructor is definitely interesting - it's impossible to take good notes but he gives good examples and good reasons for different things.

I did work some on my Bible study homework that I'm involved in. We are studying different psalms. This weeks theme is "Give Thanks". One of the points that sticks out to me is the importance of passing down our stories to our children. Ps. 78 talks about Israel's history and the fact that they are to tell their children and their children's children of God's merciful and mighty acts towards them. It's equally important that I pass down the stories of God's blessings in my life to my children and grandchildren (that I will hopefully have in the future). But it's not enough to simply pass down the stories - we also have to pass down the central meaning - both in our lives and when we are sharing the Bible stories. If we don't pass the meaning down it's like passing down dried up cornhusks rather than the golden corn inside. The same thing is true of our pictures - without the stories behind them the pictures have no lasting meaning and value.

Ok...I'm heading to bed - it's early but I'm so tired tonight. I will probably read for awhile before I actually go to sleep.

1 comment:

~B. said...

don't worry, i'm still reading your blog... =)