Monday, May 21, 2007


Ok...tonight I'm done - feel like the last straw has hit the camel's back and broke it. I spilled my nice glass of delicious homemade root beer all over my driver's side compartment in the car. So the car is a mess (tho I've attempted to clean it), the house is a mess because Saturday chores didnt' get done, Sunday and today I wasn't home to do anything - not even tonight. I'm frantically trying to get laundry done because it needs done and the dishwasher is loaded but not run. Tomorrow I have another trip and then I have two for next week. However the way I feel right now I'm going to turn in the one to the water park simply because I have too much on my plate - it probably would be fun but I'm just overwhelmed at the moment. Of course part of that is because I have poison ivy/poison oak on my arm - first time this year and thankfully it's only on my arm. But it's really itchy and nothing seems to help take the itch out - at least not for more than a few minutes. What makes it worse is that the area is right where my arm rests on the desk when I'm on the computer - that aggravates it.

Now that I've completely whined...I will list some things I am thankful for - these are not necessarily in any particular order - just as they come to mind. I know that I'm hugely blessed and need to remember those blessings rather than the struggles & challenges of daily life.

1) I'm thankful for a house in the country where deer, birds and other wildlife are around to see - where you can hear the wind blowing through the trees & the birds singing.

2) I'm thankful for two healthy gifted boys who are growing into men of God.

3) I'm thankful that I live in a country where there is freedom to worship God.

4) I'm thankful for my salvation - for the death of Jesus on the cross so that my sins can be forgiven.

5) I'm thankful for food.

6) I'm thankful for a job that I really enjoy.

7) I'm thankful for friends.

On that note...I'm off to take some Benadryl and hopefully head towards bed. (Benadryl is the only thing that relieves the itch for any length of time - but it's not a good thing to take as a bus driver)


Julie said...


I was four entries behind reading your blog... sounds like you have been busy.

My mom is so allergic to poison ivy, if the neighbors have it in their yard she breaks out. If she gets near it herself, she almost goes into shock. I hope your itch is healing well...

Oh, and I am thankful for virtual friends.

Widsith said...

Edith, I'm sorry to hear about the poison ivy/poison oak, and the other difficulties crowding your days recently. If I were there I'd hug you!

~B. said...

edith, i used the benedryl creme on my poison ivy, and it worked really really well. it took the itch away for hours at a time!! glad you went to the doc for it, though, that's good. did he give you some kind of sterroid to take for it?
poor you with the root beer, ah.. i've done that before!! everything all sticky... yuk.