Friday, May 18, 2007


Well....I feel like I'm slowly beginning to make progress around here. Tonight I put the first pictures - one in each - in the boys' albums about their dad. And I sat them down with the pictures I'd sorted out to have them chose ones to include. So my huge stack of pictures is whittled down by more than 50%. I do still have to get copies made of the portraits I have - that's a matter of going in and getting them printed. They are all scanned onto CD's so the hardest part is done. The other thing I still need is stories so that eventually the boys will have some idea of who their dad was.

I now have lettuce and tomatoes in my garden - hopefully it's not too late for the lettuce. Tomatoes had to be covered last night but seemed to have done well. I also planted dahlias this afternoon - have several more to put in. I have no idea if they are full sun or part shade plants - they were given to me by another bus driver. So we will see how they do - if they grow. I hope they do as I'm big into flowers. The other thing I started doing was pulling weeds/grass/lilac starts out of the beds right by the house - they have a layer of stone down but it seems to be a very thin layer. So all kinds of stuff is growing up through the stone and landscape fabric under it. Tomorrow I hope to get more stuff pulled out and get another forsythia planted.

Son1 went back to school today - he's been out for 2 days. He's still coughing and sneezing but seems to be feeling better. Son2 put himself to bed tonight - he must really have been tired as he didn't have any cuddle time or anything. They are both growing up so incredibly fast.


Karen said...

Sounds like you were busy. That is the kind of stuff I would like to get done today.

~B. said...

it's so sweet that you're making them an album each!! is there anyone whose brains you can pick for good stories? :)