Sunday, July 02, 2006

Doctors & Fruit Trees

It's been a busy couple of days but mostly enjoyable. Friday I ended up having both boys to the dr. - Son1 had an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection; Son2 had a throat infection - he's prone to strep throat. Both are now on antibiotics and today seem better. Friday evening Mom and Dad arrived for a visit - it's terrific to see them and have them here for a couple of days.

Saturday.....bird feeders got filled and rehung, flowers got transplanted, a couple of birdhouses got cleaned - one of which turned out to have an active nest in it. We are currently hoping the mama of the 3 rust colored eggs returns to care for them. And no more birdhouses have been cleaned. We also picked peaches - not quite ripe yet but the branch was so loaded it was in danger of breaking. Probably the most fun part of the day was hunting for ripe black raspberries (blackberries - not sure which it is) along the tree line of the property. Heedless of scratches, bug bites, thorns I pressed on to find more ripe ones - experienced the thrill of the chase. We got about 1 1/2 cups - not enough to make a pie or anything yet. However there are plenty more on the bushes. One of these days I'm going to get that area cleaned up. However I will wear proper shoes and long pants and bug spray when that happens.

I wish I knew how to insert dancing bananas and other emoticons....guess I will learn that eventually.

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