Thursday, July 27, 2006

Much better today

I am feeling much better this morning - still didn't get to bed until after midnight but felt better when I got up this morning - and ate right away too. Son1 did get to go to the fair last night - Son2 and I stayed home. Son1 came home absolutely thrilled with how the derby went - and with the goal to enter his own derby car when he's old enough.

We had major major thunderstorms last night - continous lightening and heavy rain for close to half an hour. I really expected the power to go out - especially as at one point the security light in the back yard was out. AS far as I can tell from the house we didn't get any direct hits on the trees but I'm sure there are at least a few branches down. The storms eased up for abit then came back around 45 minutes later - I fell asleep then and don't know how long the second set lasted or how severe they were. There are more severe storms predicted for tonight as well.

I've got much catching up to do today as I didn't accomplish anything yesterday. However I did finish the section of carpet in Son2's room the other day.

This is likely a boring rambling post's my life at the moment.

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