Thursday, July 06, 2006

Grandma - NOT

Went to Walmart this afternoon with Derek - my friend's son who I watched the last 24 hours. I had several comments on how cute he was - very true comments too especially at 15 months. I'm so glad he knows me and is comfortable with me. Having said that I had at least two people call me - verbally - "Grandma" assuming I was his. ARGH!! I know I need to do something with my hair but didn't think I looked that old. Nothing like adding to my emotional struggles of the day. :) Oh well....I did get 2 batches of peaches for jam and juice for jelly done today - using most of the peaches we picked last night. And I did that while Derek was here - he amused himself quite contentedly. I really should get out there and pick more but am going to try to wait until tomorrow evening.

Lynn and kids should be in about midnight....I'm really excited about this visit. I truly miss them all so much - and that hasn't decreased any. And I'm still grieving having to change jobs. But I have to trust that God is in control and He will work it out.


Anonymous said...

Some folks ARE Grandmas by the time they are 40. My friend here, who is MY age has a 20 (or is it 21)year old son getting married in September. She 'll be a grandma by 40.

C's foot looks a wee bit better today.

Edith said...

That's true but.....I don't want to be considered a grandma yet - my kids are not grown yet.