Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why Not the Church?

There's much to write about but right now I have one major question....Why is there no one in the local church that is willing to "adopt" two fatherless boys - to spend time with them outside of church functions, to call and take them out for a visit, to simply mentor them into becoming godly men?

There is a new ministry in the church we attend - S.T.I.C. - Serving Together in Christ. The "purpose" of the ministry is to be of assistance to the elderly, the handicapped and single parent families. I put down on my initial "about me" page that one of my needs was for someone to be a godly mentor and friend to the boys. Tonight - as I was dropping off Son1 for worship team practice I spoke with one of the "co-ordinatiors" of the ministry - she said she has some information from Big Brothers for me. What I wanted to say was "why aren't there people in the church willing to do this?" I don't want just any joe-blow to spend quality time with the boys. I want a man who is godly and willing to be a godly example to them - someone who is willing and able to speak of spiritual things, to pray with them....not just someone who will take them out to events. I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself clearly or not but anyway.....

Another time I will write about driving in tight circles in a parking lot, stoves going out, fun visits with dear friends.....

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