Tuesday, November 21, 2006


30 deer this morning while I had students on the bus and 4 without.....I love it. Some of my riders asked me what my highest one day total was - 39! And to make the morning extra pretty - the sun was shining, the sky was pink (red sky at night.....red sky in the morning, sailors take warning!) and everything was covered with hoar frost. I wished I had my camera with me and the time to take pictures. As it was I ran late - oops - too much time slowing down to count. Oh well it was fun.

Have got to finish my shopping list so I can run to the bank and do the grocery shopping. Hopefully soon I will get some additional Amish runs.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! It sounds like you had a beautiful morning. I love when the trees are covered in frost. Gorgeous!

I suppose I have a different relationship with deer. I used to have to drive two hours from my home to a one-time-a-week job. At 75-miles per hour a deer running head on toward your car is pretty scary. I have hit two deer in my life. My dad used to tell me, "I have been driving over 50-years and I've never hit a deer. What? Do you aim at them?"

I do think deer are lovely as long as I am not behind a wheel ~ blessings to you!

Edith said...

Well I'm pretty certain that the day will come when I do actually hit one - and it probably won't be in the bus! I suspect that the reason I haven't already (in the bus) is because I'm looking for them and also going somewhat slower because I'm on country roads and in a school bus with other lives in my care. (that sounds conceited - I would be a mess if something happened to one of "my kids" because I wasn't paying attention or something and driving.
