Tuesday, November 28, 2006


....those 6 kids I picked up this morning - apparently the regular driver waited at that stop for 7 minutes and they didn't come out. She has time issues with the daycare lady on a regular basis. So she's now upset with me for completely screwing things up. I'm thinking if that was the case it would have been nice for someone to let me know - I unwittingly would not have walked into that situation. My afternoon did not start off well.

Then on my route there's one road that supposedly was being closed completely - transportation did not know. One family took care of getting their kids picked up but the other two did not. And we did not have good phone #'s for either one of the later. So I had to squeeze between 2 road closed signs that barely had one bus length between them and deliver these kids. I feel really bad for the family that took care of picking up their own kids - they didn't have to do that if the proper communication had occurred. And to make matters worse - apparently the work was not done at all today - it's supposed to be completely closed tonight. So....I have no idea what to expect in the morning.


~B. said...

see, lack of communication between the proper channels really messes things up... poor you!!!! you did the right thing, i think, not knowing what the situation was. i'm proud of you. :)

Edith said...

Thanks.....I needed to hear that.

Anonymous said...

Well, I for one am glad you picked up the children. These six children are not at fault and should not suffer when adults mess up. Poor lambs ~ I would assume it was cold. My daughter would have been frantic if she thought she had missed the bus.

I do think the school should communicate with the parents of the children using this daycare. I bet that they have no idea that there is a problem. Can you imagine the day care lady telling a parent when they pick up the kids, "Oh, I was late getting the kids to the bus for the 4th time this week." It doesn't happen like that ~