Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ok.....I know kids can be mean and cruel but why must they vandalize their school bus? Even in "minor" ways? Today while I was checking the bus after my route I found additional writing on one of the seat backs - "whor....=bus driver" "lol - true". Also someone peeled my seat patch off. I know that generally kids don't always like me because most of the time they think I'm too strict - I insist they sit - facing forward, keep their language reasonably clean and be reasonably polite. I don't tolerate kids calling other kids' names (when I catch them) or getting physical with other kids. Basically I don't let them do whatever they want to do on the bus. And I've gotten used to being considered a witch with a capital B. But this really bothers me - and I can't honestly pinpoint why - whether it's the name they chose or the fact that it is vandalism and I don't know who's doing it. I am better than 90% certain that it's some of my shuttle kids that I drop off at a trailer park - I make them sit in the front half of the bus and my regular route kids sit in the back half. The shuttle kids don't like that either because they think that I'm not being fair. I figure it's easier because I'm on a major highway when I drop them off so I don't want to be stopped there too long. And I only have them in the afternoon so it's much harder to get to know them - they are all middle school students - 6-8th. So....the question becomes how do I handle this? I figure by the handwriting it's likely a girl but not sure how I can possibly figure out exactly who's doing it. It's really difficult to do a seating chart because I still don't know all of these kids (shuttle) - there's about 20 of them alone. I do know all my regular route riders...and I have issues with them trashing the bus - leaving candy wrappers, etc in their seats. There is a trash can up front so they could use that. We will discuss that tomorrow afternoon - after I have all my regular route riders on.

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