Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Naps and Bus Routes

I took a much needed nap this morning - had a stack of stuff I needed to get done but realized that a nap was much more important. I fell much better now - and have actually got one coffee table straightened. I certainly won't get everything done that I needed or wanted to get done - however I fell better about life in general after that nap. I've not been sleeping well nor have I been getting enough exercise - I know it's affecting me severely mainly in my emotions but also with my weight. I'm not sure how to better organize myself and time to help resolve those issues. It seems like one of those endless circles.

My bus route went well this morning - we only saw 4 deer. That's got to be a record low number - especially as they were all in a group together. I know there had to be more out but it was fairly dark this morning and misting so the roads were abit slick, etc. However I had everyone except 2 of my regular morning riders so that was good. I was able to get down that "closed" road to get my stops down there so I should also be able to get them home tonight. I still wish the county guys had put the signs further apart but on the other hand it's very much a fun challenge to snake the bus through and not hit anything when there's not enough room. I'll be glad when the road is officially opened though - it's not a road I could back out of and there really aren't any good turn-arounds except the one I use.

OK...better scoot to get abit more done and get cleaned up.

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