Thursday, November 09, 2006


I feel very discombobulated I truly don't know where to start. I felt like I accomplished alot yesterday - then the mail came! Long story short - I got a letter saying that the receipts I had sent in to get the money from my Flex Spending Account weren't acceptable. So I - disagreeing with their reason - went looking for all of my old paystubs - most of which were in the same place - and my medical bills and bank statements - which weren't necessarily. Now I still have piles on my bedroom floor again and my "to shred" pile is huge. I have one child who got sick on my school bus yesterday - his mom doesn't have a telephone so I can't call to see how he's doing. Therefore I really would like to go by his house to check on him. I also need to get some duct tape and return some movies. I get myself together and go run errands? Or do I stay home - take care of my shredding and continue with slowly getting control of this house? Which is going to be more important in the long run and which is going to be more satisfying? I'm also keeping in mind that I won't be home this evening and much of tomorrow which means very little housecleaning getting done.

Ok....just got a call from the FSA company and got good news!!! They will pay the full claim I sent in and supposedly I still have a bit more I can send for! So....I guess that means I go run errands as I have to make copies of receipts that I can send in to get the rest. That means it will be convenient to return the movies and stop and buy duct tape. So....I guess I will go get laundry going, get ready to go and get going.

1 comment:

~B. said...

ah!! i'm glad they are doing the claim, that's awesome!!!! :) and i think your house probably is a priority, but then, so is loving others, which is what you were wanting to do by stopping by to see the kid from your bus... hmm.. sounds like it all worked out in the end, though!! :)