Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fog & Amish runs's a very foggy morning. Actually the fog seems to be getting thicker the later it gets. We did have a chance of thunderstorms today but now that's gone. I've got Amish runs today - all local and driving a lady I really like. She's about my age I'm guessing - maybe abit younger and has two young boys. They are very blonde and the younger one is just a talker. The 8 year old is much more quiet. I love how - when they see me - they get these great big grins. That just makes my day. Anyway I'm taking her to spend some time with her sister this morning and then tonight to town. In between those runs I'm planning on getting the kitchen clean enough to do some canning either later today or tomorrow. Oh yes....I've also got to have dinner planned as I will be gone over the dinner hour.

Other than that I've gone blank on thoughts. I got the lawn mostly mowed yesterday - there's still a section at the hill and another at the front of the house that need done. There are some perennials that I want to get planted before school starts. Ok....I've got to scoot for now.

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