Friday, August 18, 2006

I think I'm getting it!

School has started - yesterday was the first day. My morning route is going relatively well so far - still learning kids' names and houses but at least I'm not getting lost! My afternoon route is a different story altogether. Yesterday it was an hour past the time I should have been done before I dropped my last child. Son1 spent the time riding a shuttle bus until I could get him - Son 2 was home. So this morning I did fine until the school radioed and asked when I went by one child's home. I guessed at 7:30 or so but didnt' have him on my list so really wasn't sure. After the route I headed to the office - now I have a new copy of my afternoon route - hand-drawn - in pencil so that I can hopefully read it. It even has left and right turns on it - labelled. I get to sit down and write that all out in longhand - and hopefully by this afternoon have it good enough that I can actually get done when I should be done. Then....I get to start working on my shuttle kids - figuring out who's destroying my seats already and getting them all assigned seats. I've never had a bus this crowded - where I have 3 to a seat regularly for a consistent part of the route. Ok....better go and get started on that longhand...then there's cleaning to be done...and an Amish run tonight after work.

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