Thursday, August 31, 2006

What did I accomplish today?

Well....I thought today would end up being a very "profitable" day - in that I accomplished alot. However tonight it sort of went down the tubes - got nothing of my evening plans done as Son2 is not feeling well. He's now asleep in my bed....I'm not going to get the kitchen cleaned tonight though the dishwasher has run. I will get the cookies put away and hopefully the rest of the dishes in or beside the sink. But I didn't get my second batch of jelly done nor did I get the birdfeeders refilled.

So what did I accomplish today?? I made one batch of jelly, wrote checks to pay bills and actually got them in the mail. I made a couple of phone calls that needed to be made. I got my bed changed and two loads of laundry washed and dried. They still need to be folded. I clipped coupons and tossed the remnants in the recycle bin. I installed Word on the computer (that was definitely NOT planned). I also spent 1 1/2 hours mowing the lawn - have a good section of it done - down by the road. Some of the grass was tall enough that it could almost be used as hay. There's still a smallish area - at the point of the triangle by the road that needs mowed and all of the area up around the house. I spent time on the trampoline with the boys - did 35+ "butt bounces" in addition to just goofing off and playing with them. I picked a good sized bowl of tomatoes. I snuggled Son2, helped Son1 with the stuff on the computer (now I just have to get the printer working!) ....I guess that's all - except for work. By the state of the house it doesn't look like I've accomplished anything.

The kittens are doing well overall. Oddball's two - born last week have their eyes open now. The ginger one is bigger definitely but she's still being a good mama to both babies. Tiger's four are starting to move around alot more - climbing, exploring, etc. They are still very tiny but growing. We have "named" the ginger one from that litter Tubby as it's so fat. The three grey calico ones don't have names yet. My thought is to give away (or trade) all but maybe two. That would still leave us with 4 adult cats outside, Survivor, Stormie (who's both inside and out) the two kittens we'd keep and at least one stray that eats here. That should be enough to keep the mice & other critters down. I know Tiger hunts - she ate a rabbit last week.

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