Saturday, August 05, 2006

Catch-Up Time

Wow....alot has happened in the last few days. We've been to Chicago, I've got a bus route, school starts very very soon.....Thanksfully the weather has cooled off so it's abit easier to get motivated to get stuff done. The lawn has gotten very long and needs mowed. However I think it's still too wet and I know we need gas for the mower.

Today the goal is to get stuff done inside the house - getting stuff from our trip unpacked and put away as well as getting the stuff we left a mess cleaned up. I truly hate having to leave stuff a mess but it was such a spur of the moment trip that it just worked that way. I will need to go out and buy gas for the mower. I really want the house looking decent before Monday - not because anyone is coming over but because that's when all the school busy-ness starts. I have bus driver orientation at 7:00 am Monday morning (nothing like starting early!!)

Tomorrow I will leave to spend doing stuff I truly enjoy - outside puttering in the flower-beds or inside stitching or reading. My rest day involves trying not to cook or do chores of any sort except for dishes. (That is after church).

Better get - got to get the kids moving on their chores. I'm going to have to be right in there helping and supervising today.

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