Thursday, September 07, 2006

Daily Life

No fog delay this morning though there was still fog on the roads. At least 3 school districts in OH cancelled school today - due I'm certain to the fog. I'm really glad we haven't gone that far yet - I suspect it will be a hard winter as it is. Many of the trees are already changing color - a month early.

Son1 had his first cross country meet this afternoon. I finished my route up on the bus then drove back to the middle school for the meet. He hit a Personal Record - did the course in 16:01. That's 8 seconds off his time trial last week and far better than any of his times in the past. And our course is harder than most of the other courses he will run this season. I think the girls team won while the boys team didn't do as well. However the most important thing in my book is that he does his best and improves over his own times.

The kitchen is clean....mostly at least and the dishes are done. Yesterday I did not shine my sink - it really does make a noticable difference to get up to a clean sink. I've started going through the fridge and all the laundry that is done is folded. It is major baby steps but it's a start. It will come easier once I actually get on a schedule and stay home more than I'm gone during the week. This will be a very short weekend however as I'm driving a cross country meet on Saturday.

I keep thinking that one of these times I will post/write something really inspired but this is really truly just day to day life. Son2 reads well when he wants to - loves to read Star Wars books. The challenge is to get him to read his homework...he just really doesn't like to do that - thinks it's a waste of time. Ok....I'm going to take my tired self towards bed.

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