Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Deer and Sunshine!!

It's going to be a beautiful sunny day today - maybe cool but sunny!!! Yeah! We haven't had sunshine in what seems like far too long - at least not consistent sunshine. And I saw a total of 13 deer this morning while on my bus. Ten of them were while I had students on with me - then I saw 2 before i picked anyone up and 1 on my way home after dropping everyone. I really really enjoy my bus route - it's fun to keep an eye out for the deer and keep track of how many we see. Probably the coolest ones were the mama and 2 fawns that were on a mowed lawn relatively close to the road - we got a good look as they tried to decide which way to run.

I had intended on walking today...had actually hoped to get a walk in. However I'm not sure it will happen - got a call to take some Amish to the hospital to see the new baby that was just born this morning. Considering I had driven the parents to the hospital last night there was no way I could turn that down. So I'm reconsidering my list of things to do to see what all I need to cut out. Making muffins is gone, the walk is iffy.....dinner has to be fixed as does doing some maintance on this computer. I also need to get out the hose and wash my bus - technically rinse it- focusing on the windows. I have a trip tonight - taking the cross country team to Tippy Valley for a meet. We will be one of 3 schools - nice change from Saturday's meet.

I was really glad I didn't drive Saturday's meet - there were 35 schools - both high school and middle school. In each race there were approximately 200 runners - and they ran 8 races. There were varsity and junior varsity/reserve races for middle school girls, middle school boys, high school girls & high school boys. It was amazing - the crowds were horrendous to say the least. We left before the award ceremony - perks to not driving the bus. However it was so much fun to watch the runners even though one couldn't be at both the starting line and the finish line. I screamed myself hoarse cheering them on. Son1 did absolutely fantastic - his official time was 14:13:30 - over 45 seconds off his time last Thursday. He's well on the way to making his goal for the season - to run the distance under 14 minutes.

Well better scoot - got to get some stuff done today!


Lisa said...

I hope you found time for your walk...it always sounds as if your days are very full with little time for yourself. On the other hand, I miss those days sometimes...or maybe it's the energy i used to have that I miss? lol

congrats on how well your boys are doing ...They should be proud of themselves.

As should you :-)

Edith said...

Nope - no walk. I ended up being gone until past time to leave for the bus...no lunch either. :) Today I start off feeling behind the curve already.