Saturday, September 02, 2006


Well today turned out ok I guess....Son2 ended up going to his SS teacher from the last couple of years for the afternoon. He helped build a fence, feed calves, drove a tractor and I'm not sure what all else. He came back in a much better frame of mind - hopefully with the knowledge that to be part of the family he's got to help with chores. In the meantime, Son1 and I did some grocery shopping, moved the exercise bike inside and watched a movie together (or at least most of one). I had planned on us going to the "city" tomorrow after church. However since Son2 is going back to finish the job we will put that off until Monday. I'm glad to be out of school Monday but at some point I've got to get my paperwork together for the bus route.

1 comment:

~B. said...

that's great about son2!! good, hard, rewarding labor is just what he might need! :) and working on a farm - ahhhhhh! i wish i could do it!