Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Fog Again....

We are under another 2 hour delay....this morning the fog is actually getting thicker rather than lifting. Son1's meet was cancelled yesterday because the other school system didn't even go due to the fog. (It's completely amazing to actually cancel school due to fog - but as a bus driver I'd rather not drive in heavy fog). Both boys were very disappointed.

Son2 is having issues with reading....he's a very capable reader - reads above his grade level and comprehends well. However he doesn't enjoy reading and fights doing homework that involves reading. He seems to feel that because he's read it at school he shouldn't have to read it a second time. It's frustrating and I'm not sure how to encourage him. I would like to see him consistently pick up a book to read for enjoyment....he doesn't do that. to go get started on the day - discombobulated though it may be.


Lisa said...

Hi again~ Thanks for stopping by my site....I had to change my video and in the process, managed to erase your sorry.

As for the reading...I'm not sure how old your boys are or if they have a bedtime, but what always worked for me was to tell them at betime they could stay up an extra amount of time if they were reading quietly. I let the book be of their choosing as long as it was appropriate. If they started playing, it was automatic lights out, but not angrily, just matter of fact. I started it when they were pretty young though, so I dunno if it'll work for you. I know what you mean about wanting them to enjoy reading. I've been very fortunate and all three of mine are avid readers.

Good luck!

Sorry I write novels for comments...ooops!

~B. said...

fog, huh!! neeet!! thanks for chatting today, it was fun while it lasted! :) boy2 will be fine... he just needs something really interesting to him to read! do you have a library nearby? he could go there and pick out a few that he's really interested in, and maybe that would help... also walmart has a good selection of books, categorized by reading levels... jonas has found a few there that he really enjoys. :)