Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I had an epiphany!!

I've been following Flylady's hints -
recently - just getting started. I'm trying to at least get my sink emptied and shined everynight. Anyway yesterday in one of the emails she was talking about clutter and the things people do to try to ignore/avoid it. One of the examples given was that we tend to leave the house all day and try to pretend it doesn't exist because we are staying busy outside of home. That completely resonated with me - I've done it in the past. And this week was shaping up to be hectically busy because I'm having a difficult time saying no to people - as a result I wasn't getting time at home - or at least not nearly enough time. The kids have been cranky, I've been cranky and things have just been getting more and more chaotic and overwhelming. So....I gave away my Amish run that I had scheduled for tonight - paid S the difference between what I would have charged and what she would normally charge. I could have used the money I would have made but I figured with a trip last night and another one - all day on Friday - and another Saturday meet I really needed the time at home with the boys. Especially since Son2 has a cold coming on.

Last night's trip was a cross country meet that I drove - I really enjoy doing those (though I was a bit peeved at the condition of the bus afterwards!) Son2 did very well - ran the course in 15:27. That's not an overall PR but it is a PR on that particular course so I'm pleased. He also placed high enough to earn a ribbon which is excellent. My trip on Friday is a 4th grade field trip that I get to take Son2 on. There will be 4 buses going at least so it should be interesting. I probably won't spend the entire time with Son2 but just getting to be the one to drive him will be good.

My current goal is to not take anything more lengthy during the week than a trip to the grocery in the way of Amish runs - that will give me just a bit of cash. Then on weekends I will still be available to do at least one evening run. Hopefully financially I will be able ot handle things this way. But my boys have to come first and cash won't do me any good if I'm too cranky to deal with them.

On a different note - this morning on the bus route we saw one deer - in the middle of the road no less! - and a wolf/coyote. I think it had the coloring of a wolf but one of my students didn't think it was large enough to be one. Either way - it's the first of either I've seen in the wild so it was still exciting.


~B. said...

YAY!!! good for you!!! i'm really happy that you have made this concious decision to put your boys first and the cash second... that is so great!! everything will work out, and you will feel so much more happy with an orderly house!!

Anonymous said...

When I read that one, I thought of you, and then felt guilty because I do it sometimes too--especially lately. So glad you are motivated to make changes. Me too! Clutter is getting me down. I spent 15 minutes today going through closets and have two bags of clothes to go--one to charity, and the other to a friend with young girls (you can guess whose those were).

My file cabinet is overflowing too. Boo hoo. I don't have time for that one when I'm doing school.

Keep on staying home when you can, and attacking the house.

C says hi, and I love you Auntie, and the boys too.
Love from,
Your flybaby sister.

Rebeca said...

Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. Hope the oven cleaning went well. :>
Where in Africa did you grow up? I got to make a short trip to Liberia and would love to visit more of Africa.