Thursday, September 14, 2006

Faster Still.....

15 minutes flat - That was Son1's time at his meet today. Tuesday's time was 15:22 so he shaved another 22 seconds off today! The next meet is Saturday - it's another invitational and is apparently HUGE. I guess there are going to be 35 schools involved - there could be 200 runners in each race - Middle school girls Reserve; Middle School Girls Varsity; Middle School boys reserve; Middle school boys Varsity; High school girls reserve; High school girls Varsity, High school boys reserve and High school boys Varsity. The "Varsity" has nothing to do with age and everything to do with speed. Son1 is not by any means the fastest runner on the team - those guys are coming in under 12 minutes for 1.9 miles. The high school boys distance is a 5K race so that's abit longer. He's run those before but not often yet. Anyway Son1's goal for the season is to come in under 14 minutes for the distance - he's already shaved off a complete minute so it's possible.

I've got an Amish run for tomorrow that I really don't want to do....will have to talk to Suz to see what she thinks. I'm just tired - and things are going to get busier over the next month.

Found out tonight that Dad will be going to S. Africa Monday for a month - Mom will stay on this side of the ocean. I have very mixed emotions about that - guess it will be an opportunity for me to learn to trust more. But I really wish I lived closer - or that she could come here for part of that time.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about wishing Mom and Dad were closer. We are talking about having her come up here. We can either go get her or take her home depending on when she comes. The other way is to take the bus, but I would want someone to meet her or drop her off.

Edith said...

I'm so glad you are planning on doing that.....I was hoping that you would. I just don't see any way that I can get away right now. Let's talk by phone tonight.

Love you,

~B. said...

yay for son1!!!!!!! good job!!! keep up the fast running! :) i also know what you mean about wishing your parents were closer - i sure wish mine were!!! it's cool that your dad is going to africa though, i hope he enjoys his time there!!

Edith said...

It's a working trip....hopefully it will go well.