Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Snow Day

Ok.....last night Son1 and I got the driveway shovelled from the top of the hill down. Overnight we had 4 inches more snow - and it's coming down again! Thankfully we initially had a 2 hour delay - I was about to bundle up to go out and start shovelling again so we could get the bus out. However just before I did that the phone rang - we officially have our first Snow Day of the year. There was much rejoicing in my house. I will still have to shovel but am going to wait until later. Both boys will be allowed to sled (inspite of Son2's cold...how can one deny a child the chance to enjoy the first time there's enough snow to sled??) In the meantime I'm enjoying my second cup of coffee and reading blogs. Will have to go do some chores soon though.

Ooops....just heard the forecast - they are saying 1-3 more inches of snow!


Rebeca said...

Oooh, sledding sounds like so much fun! Growing up in Alberta I've done my fair share of it, but it's been way too long. Enjoy it!
And thanks for your prayers.

~B. said...

yay snow!