Saturday, February 03, 2007

Frigid Temperatures and colds

It's been several days since I've posted - have had thoughts of things to write about and just never done it - probably at least partly because I'm fighting illness again and just am too exhausted to put coherence into any thoughts.

It's bitter cold here - temperatures are in the single digits with windchills well below zero. I wanted snow but don't care much for these bitterly cold days. I have to admit I'm thankful that I'm not having to try and shovel in this wind. So far the driveway has stayed nice and clear even with the blowing and drifting snow - unlike the roads! After our snow day on Tuesday we had a 2 hour delay Wednesday morning then went to school. (Actually only the middle school, high school and one of the two elementary schools went - the other was out due to plumbing issues). Yesterday we got out early for "Teacher Inservice" - it's always nice to be released early on a Friday afternoon.

Son1 is now down with a stuffy nose, headache, etc. Today was his first day of feeling really miserable - hopefully he will sleep well tonight and be able to shake it fairly quickly. Son2 is on the mend from his cold of earlier in the week - he's probably the healthiest of all of us.

Ok....I'm going to finish reading some blogs and then head to bed. It's too late to get creative tonight - I haven't cross stitched in ages, nor have I scrapped much.

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