Friday, February 09, 2007

No Delay - A "Normal" Day

I had no idea how much better I would feel going back to a "normal" day after a week of not having much normalcy. I had no idea that the four days of delays was contributing to my slide downwards into depression. I'm still going back to the dr. today - need to figure something out long term but this is a start. I've learned that staying too busy is not good for me - I don't get quiet times then, I don't get creative time - I seem to need to take 20-30 minutes daily to either crossstitch or scrap or something similar in addition to my journalling and quiet time. I also find that when I'm too busy and not home the house slides into chaos and disaster which then gets into that downward spiral.

Son1 and Son2 were fighting this morning - I may insist that Son1 rides my bus this afternoon. Some of that will depend on how much it's snowed today - my other option is to have him go home and have both boys shovel the driveway so I can get the bus up. We will see.

Ok better go for now.


kalipay said...

yay!!! i finally found your blog :D i keep hearing about it, but couldn't find it for some reason. did you just get the "www" button to work on mkP or have i just been oblivious? well, it's good to "see" you.

~B. said...

good idea haveing the boys work together to shovel the driveway - might make for more "community" and less argument...