Thursday, February 22, 2007

Angry Mama Bear

Son1 came home from church last night and said "Mom I have some news". Apparently after he was all set up to lead worship time for the grades 1-5 one of the younger kids (younger than him) came up to him and said "oh you aren't leading worship anymore." Being as this girl was younger than him he went to the leader who'd recruited him to do this in the first place - she was almost as surprised as he was about it. Apparently this girl and who-ever else was on the Sunday morning worship team for this age group had decided to use Wednesday evening worship as their practice time. They had approached MaryAnne - the adult leader and she had said that Son1 wanted to finish out the year doing this so they would have to co-ordinate with him. Instead of doing that, this girl just simply told him they didnt' need him anymore. Son1 was obviously somewhat disappointed about it - he felt like he had committed to a year doing this and wanted to finish out the year - and just as obviously (to me) was attempting to look at the positive side of things - realizing that since track season is coming up he might not be as available so this will take some pressure off of him. Track meets are generally on Tues. and Thursday nights but practice often goes until after 5:00 pm on Wednesdays so it makes getting homework done a bit more challenging unless he's to stay up later than normal.

Me on the other hand - I'm angry. Somebody has done one of my "cubs" wrong and I'm the mama bear wanting to take care of it! I just feel like that was handled really really badly - there should have been some communication prior to when he was already set up. He should have been pulled aside and told that this was the last week he would be needed or there should have been some attempt to work together to get the songs planned ahead. And it definitely should have been handled by an adult not some girl who's at least 3 years younger than him (she's not in his SS class so she's not yet in middle school) My reaction may be wrong - and I'm trying to hold it in check but that was my reaction when he told me about it. At the same time, and more so now that I've slept on it - I'm also very very proud of the maturity he's demonstrating by looking at the bright side of this situation. And I realize I have to be careful not to let my anger/frustration affect how well he's handling it overall. This time writing it out isn't helping me either.

1 comment:

Rebeca said...

Thanks for the tips you left on my blog about trying to get the kids to eat. I appreciate it- the dipping idea is great.
Bless you.