Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Deer and Daily Stuff

41 deer this morning. That's an all time high. Most were spread out though in one area we saw 21 divided between 2 sides of the road. It was fun to keep track. Yesterday we saw 20 deer, 1 coyote and what I think was an owl. It was a large, low-flying white bird that I passed in some woods. (at least the underfeathers were white). It's been fun. The only thing I wish is that I could bring my camera and get some pictures.

Yesterday I felt like I really accomplished alot. I refilled bird feeders, folded laundry, scanned through one large box and consolidated it with another smaller one, made some phone calls, baked cookies and muffins and even got some exercise in. Today.....I've visited my bus driver friend who's been out with a broken ankle and tried to catch a nap. It's a bit frustrating to feel like I'm not accomplishing anything and not know where to start. The 15 minute thing really does help but I can't even seem to get that together today. Sunday night I found a huge mess of pictures - baby pictures of both the boys mainly. It was a surprise as I had no idea they were in there - or really even that they'd been temporarily misplaced. It was also really exciting for me. I also found a negative for a picture of Son2 that I'd taken that I really liked and wanted to get more reprints of.

Guess I'd better go scan some more slides...only have 3 more weeks to get as much done as I can. I am really looking forward to Mom and Dad's visit.


kalipay said...

:o 41!!! that is a ton.

what kind of cookies and muffins did you make?

Edith said...

I made banana muffins (using my banana bread recipe) and chocolate chip cookies.

And 2 days later we saw 56 deer during morning bus route.