Sunday, February 04, 2007

2 Hour Delay

We are already under a 2 hour weather delay for tomorrow morning. I'm rather glad as I wasn't looking forward to getting out and getting the bus going when it's this cold out. I'm plugged in but that doesn't necessarily mean that I will start. And I am thankful that the blowing and drifting snow hasn't really affected our driveway.

Today was a rather quiet day for the most part. We made church this morning tho I really thought that as sick as Son1 is he should have stayed home especially as he didn't have to sing this week. (He's running a fever tonight and has a major sinus headache). After that I got to take my normal Sunday afternoon nap and then spent some time scrapbooking - finally got page protectors on my 2003 album and for now will consider it done. I still haven't done Jan - Mar. of that year but really can't face handling those pictures. I also went through the last couple of years and pulled pictures from this house - I want to do before and after pictures throughout. That's still an ongoing process as even after 2 years I'm not done repainting and replacing stuff. But....I have a large stack of pictures to go through on this and more to take to update. I have decided that I really miss actually having prints in my hand to care for - since I got the digital camera I don't print my pictures. That's something I really really need to work on - goal for this week I think. (I also miss having changeable lenses but it will be awhile before I can do that.) I also started a puzzle - first one I've tackled in a year. Haven't got far yet but it will come.

Ok...better close for now.

1 comment:

kalipay said...

:) my mom has been catching up on her albums lately, too. she had to sort through tons of digital pics on the computer, save the ones she wanted to a CD, take them to WalMart and edit and order each one... she is finally up to when we came to the USA, finishing up our last month or so in the Philippines. it's been hard for her to deal with those pictures... :( it's good you're getting caught up; it's a good feeling, no?