Thursday, February 15, 2007

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Towing

So yesterday my boss comes and plows us out - clears the driveway and the parking area at the top. I'm able to get the car out to go to town - and get back in. However I had to drop my bus off at the shop this morning to get a service and had to bring a spare home. So I do my best to take a run at the driveway - realizing the road was not clear enough to really get going. I get about halfway up and the wheels start spinning. So I back up - cant' get properly turned around because I'm afraid I will end up in the field across the road - and try again. Same result - only this time I end up with one set of rear wheels in a snow bank and I'm twisted partly sideways in the driveway - keep in mind this is all in a BIG YELLOW SCHOOL BUS. By this time I've radioed into the office - all I can do is wait for my boss to get there in his pick-up truck (full-size with a plow on the front). Thankfully I have a book with me so I'm able to kill some time - being as I can't get out to go get coffee or anything. So M (my boss) finally gets there - he has me back out again into the road, try going up again, then back out again and try going up backwards. Nothing works - except I get closer and closer to the drop-off to the field across the road. So then he tries - once - and decides that all we are going to do is put the bus in the field and he would rather just tow me up the drive. So I get towed uphill in a schoolbus in my own driveway. (and a sidenote - the county gets called to come lay down a heavy layer of salt/sand in front of my drive). So....I suspect that in the future the road in front of my place will be well-sanded and well plowed.

In the meantime.....I get to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies to deliver to the shop. That probably won't happen until early next week though as I'm scheduled to drive a field trip tomorrow and we are out of classes on Monday.

I was going to comment on how beatiful the drive was this morning - the countryside was white with relatively undisturbed snow - glistening silver in the sunlight. Many of the bushes and trees had a coating of some combination of hoarfrost and snow crystals on them - absolutely gorgeous. I would have loved to have been able to get out with my camera but that didn't happen. Hopefully I will be able to shake the headache I've had all day so far before my afternoon route - in a little over an hour.


kalipay said...

i really want to see a picture of this difficult driveway of yours!!! or maybe i should just come see it, no?! :)

Karen said...

Wow! It sounds like you had quite the day!

Hopefully your bit of road WILL be cleaned off and sanded. Would be nice if they did the driveway for you too--but I guess that would be a pipe dream.

It is snowing heavily again here. This was predicted two days ago--we're finally getting it again.


Edith said...

I would love for you to come see it Kalipay! I've taken some pictures but don't know how to post them on here. The driveway doesn't look bad until there's snow on it.

Unfortunately my headache didn't lift so I ended up not driving this afternoon - last minute.

Karen - my bit of road was well sanded and it looked like some slight bit of sand was spread on the bottom part of the driveway also. It was bitter cold tonight though.