Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No Day Off

Ok....I fully admit - I wanted a snow day today. And honestly I think we should have had one. The roads were not terrible but they were not good. I guess they might have been better than they were yesterday afternoon but several of them on my bus route were not plowed yet - and it appeared that in most cases they weren't salted at all. Before I could even leave on my bus route this morning I spent an hour shoveling my driveway....that's after Son2 and I both did it yesterday. And I have more to do later. It's not that it's so deep one can't drive through it - it's simply that if one does not keep up with the shoveling it gets so slick that it's impassible. I think we are the only school district in the area that hasn't had a weather day off this week - in some cases today was the first day that many schools actually went.

So in spite of my frustration at not having a snow day today I'm trying to look at the positives. It is a beautiful sunny day - very very pretty out. While we didn't see deer during the route we saw lots of animal tracks. I'm not running Son1 to the dr. between routes so I might actually get some picking up done. It is slightly warmer than it's been all week. Shoveling is supposed to be really good exercise so maybe I'll be able to jump start my metabolism and lose some weight. That same exercise might actually help me sleep better and be less frustrated at things. And not having both boys home means I won't have them fighting. (Son1 is home because he's sick). Right now I'm going to finish my coffee, check out the blogs I follow and catch up on my email.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Way to go! Be positive! I could have used a snow day today--too much to do this afternoon. But then what to do with the kids? Sending them home doesn't work too well. LOL

I really need to have the car dug out and go to get some groceries. Not looking forward to that at all!
