Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Change in Plans

Ok...this morning felt very much like a case of "Who's on First?" I was scheduled to drive a bus to the Wizards game today. However we got there and there was no need for 7-8 buses - I think they ended up taking 5 out of the ones that were there - not including mine or the handicap bus. It was a mess with the principal appearing more confused than anyone. I really don't mind not going - it would have been fun if my boys had been going but neither one attends that school. However this way I'll have the energy to make dinner and get some stuff done around the house.

Since I got home I've replanted all 7 of the bushes we put in on Saturday - something had come along and dug them up. I suspect it was likely deer or possibly coons. Either way they didn't like them (thankfully) so it was simply a matter of putting them back down into the soil and then watering them tonight. I've also started a load of laundry and intend to go take a nap. The cherry shrubs should produce in 2-3 years and I forget how big they will get - 25 ft. seems way too big as they are supposed to be dwarf cherries. At some point I will need to get mulch and top soil but doubt it will be today.


Karen said...

So did the attitude improve, or is he missing his class tonight and going to bed instead?

I have SKYPE now. Do you?

Edith said...

Nope - his attitude improved during the meet but then not afterwards - he wouldn't eat what we had....he's still rashy though. I'll call you.

Love you,

Widsith said...

All that gardening you do sounds heavenly! When I think of wonderful homes in the country, yours is one that tops the list. Joel and I hope to live in the country someday... hopefully sooner than later! And we reminisce about your place too, namely how we'd like "a home in the country that's close to a stream or river and a woodsy area, like Edith's." :)