Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Musings

I rather suspect that this week will be a time mainly of rest and hopefully rejuvenation. I've been exhausted since last Thursday - yet still trying to keep up with the "running" - taking care of the kids, the house, work...the list goes on. Thursday night was Grief Group - Son2 and I went. Son1 had an Academic Olympic Meet - we didn't make it home to get him picked up. Thankfully one of his teachers was willing to bring him home and drop him off.

Friday I watched the son of one of my friend's while she and the rest of the family went to a funeral. We had a good time playing - outside of a screaming fit when his mom left D did great. D is 2 years old and I've known him since he was an infant. I've actually kept him overnight once almost a year ago now. He just recently had his tonsils out - I got to visit him in the hospital and had a ball doing that. Anyway....I was completely wiped out Friday night so my boys and I stayed home. Saturday we ran - spent several hours in town. I promised Son1 that I would buy him good quality running shoes once I knew he was going to stick to running. We took care of that, then went to the mall.....I think we left home around 2:30 and didn't get home again until bedtime. It snowed heavily most of the time we were gone.

Sunday morning there was 2-3 inches of snow on the ground and trees - it was amazing. It was beautiful, sunny and cold - though by mid-afternoon all the snow had melted. The boys and I went to church but didnt' go to Bible study last night. Being home was good for all of us - and it turned out that we didn't miss much because two others who attend also missed. I had both boys in their rooms in bed by 8:30 last night - much needed by all of us I think.

Today I'm still weary - still dealing with the itchy burning eyes. But the sun is shining, the day is supposed to warm up into a nice day....I hope to get a nap in addition to getting some things taken care of around the house and work on my course. And I've decided how I want to do the quilts for the boys - I plan to use simple squares - not cut or heavily pieced - simply cut as squares from the shirts and then stitched together. Then I will use a color that's a favorite of the boys as backing. I'm not sure how I will "quilt" them but that's something I can figure out later.


~B. said...

i wish i could make a quilt! i love quilts!! :)

Edith said...

Well....I still have to actually figure out if I'm going to do it myself or ask someone else to....I really don't enjoy sewing.

Julie said...

I hope you are getting re-energized. It is odd, but I find that how much I feel like I can do is not at all related to how busy my life is. There are times I am drained when nothing at all in particular makes me feel like that. There I times when life gets busy, but I still feel vibrant. I have decided ~ it is about me choosing joy. I am not always good at doing that.

I don't know how to quilt either. I signed up for a beginners class recently through our city's adult education classes. I was the only one that signed up and so the class was cancelled. :o(