Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Single Parenting & Involvement really sucks to be a single parent - the only one responsible to do the errands, cook the meals, gets kids to where they need to be, etc. I ended up not driving the bus this morning because I got up feeling pretty lousy. By the time I got a call back from my boss about not driving I was already back in bed rapidly falling asleep. I slept a couple of hours past the time the kids left (after they got themselves around), then got up and tried to get around. Long story short - I would have taken the entire day as a sick day but knew I had to get to the grocery store, plus Son2 had Tai Kwon Do and Son1 had to be picked up from track practice.

During the course of getting around I talked to another friend and commented that it "sucks to be a single parent". Her response was "I know". She's not a single parent - was one for about 4 months when her kids were very young but then remarried and has had help and support since. So her response rubbed me wrong because I thought "how could you know? You've never had to try to be in 2 or more places at once!" I bit my tongue and didn't say anything - just let the topic of conversation go back to what's going on in her life.

On a different note - sometimes I think I need to learn to say no! I'm the parent in charge of the concessions for the home track meet tomorrow (and possibly for the season!) That means that I will drive my afternoon bus route then head straight back to the middle school to run the concession stand until the meet is over or we sell out of stuff. I have to arrange to get Son2 to the middle school instead of home - that will likely be the biggest challenge. And it's questionable as to whether or not I will get to see Son1 run - that will depend entirely on how much, if any, help I have. So tomorrow will definitely be a long day. But I'm a little excited about it as I enjoy being involved and getting to help.


Anonymous said...

Amen on the single parenting!


~B. said...

i DO know how it is!!!! but only with one kid... i'm sorry it's so hard for you, but you are doing such a great job, and i'm proud of you!!! you're an awesome mother, and the boys both know how much you love them.