Tuesday, April 03, 2007

One Finished Project

Ok....the floor is "finished" - in that all the carpet is out (unless you count the closet - which I don't). It looks good for not having been refinished yet and I'm satisfied with what we accomplished. When Son2 and I go out tonight for our movie I am planning on stopping into a home improvement place to get shelf supports to put some additional shelves up for Son1's airplane collection. I know he's already purchased himself a couple of new ones on this trip he's on - and his current shelf is full. I also intend to get a couple of bins for some of his stuff - our dining room table is still mostly covered with stuff I took off his dresser and bookshelves. Maybe if he ends up with a place for all his treasures the room itself will stay neater. I can only hope. Son2 also needs more shelves but not as badly - he's much better about not keeping all his school papers in his bedroom.

Son2 is currently happily playing outside with 2 younger girls - they are running around riding scooters, bikes, jumping....I'm thankful because it gives me some time to take care of some other stuff like paying bills and getting the back room cleaned for Mom and Dad's arrival. I would like to finish at least one more box of slides but am not sure if that will happen or not. I have also arranged to have a dumpster delivered on Thursday so that we can get the barn cleaned out. There's now carpet from 2 bedrooms nad the hallway, bathroom remodel stuff, boxes, stuff that should have been given away that has now become trash.....I'll be glad to see it gone - at least mostly gone.

I've still got laundry to do and fold, some sweeping and vacuuming to do....but overall the house looks much better than it did two days ago. I'm pleased.

Must go pay bills and get off the computer.


~B. said...

yay!!! the carpet is out!!! good for you!!! i bet it feels so much better now!!! ;) good job. now, reward yourself!

Karen said...

Sounds like you accomplished a lot. That is great! Wish I could say the same for me.

Guess it will be good for us if we manage school tomorrow, after our time away.