Thursday, April 26, 2007


I don't feel like I have much to write about today. Yesterday was a rainy cool day - more like spring is supposed to look like. Actually it rained most of the day yesterday and felt quite cold to me. I had a very difficult time getting motivated to do much of anything - felt like I needed to be creative but couldn't figure out what exactly to work on. I ended up sorting pictures - mainly ones I already had laying out to work on. I feel like I made a slight bit of progress but not much.

It's rained most of the morning but seems to be trying to clear up now. I was rather hoping the track meet for tonight would be postponed as I think Son1 would benefit from grief group tonight. If it's not cancelled, Son2 and I will miss it as we will be at grief group. So I'm still waiting to hear.

On a different note - it looks like my lilacs might bloom yet. They are trying to anyway. I thought the late season snow might have killed them off.

1 comment:

Widsith said...

Oh dear, your poor lilacs! They're among my favourite flowers... I hope they make it! :)