Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Rain, Flowers & Photography Course

Well today I'm reminding myself that it's the spring showers that also help to bring out the spring flowers! My crocuses have bloomed, the daffodils are blooming....leaves are coming out on bushes & the fruit trees look like they are about to bloom. However today it's a cold rainy damp day that makes one just long to crawl back into bed for a long nap! I can certainly tell that I at least am very ready for spring break - am looking forward to a few days of sleeping in - and hopefully not too much running. However before that can happen I have 2 1/2 more days of school/ bus route to get through - tomorrow is Son2's all day field trip to Indianapolis to visit the capital. I get to drive that - and won't have a group of children to be responsible for during the day. I plan to tag along with Jonathan's group during tour time. However they've instructed the kids to bring a lunch that they can eat on the bus! (can you just imagine the sticky floors with spilled juice/pop? Guess I'd better remember to bring extra paper towels, wipes and trash bags) However while I can snack and drive I don't feel that I can eat a lunch and drive. Therefore I felt I needed to not have a group to chaperone around - not to mention the fact that if I'm a bus driver and a chaperone the kids don't get my full attention because my first responsibility is to being the bus driver.

On a different note....I mailed my first set of assignments this morning. I'm still not done with the test part of the lesson so that didn't get mailed. But that won't require a trip to the post office - I had to the take the assignments to the post office to make sure I had the right amount of postage on them. So...they are officially sent off. While I'm waiting for them to come back I'll go ahead and get started on the next ones. No major set of emotions either - except maybe relief that they are in the mail.

Ok....time to go scan some slides, continue to work on cleaning and organizing this room for Mom and Dad's visit next week and generally try to accomplish something today.

1 comment:

~B. said...

i love spring rain and all the flowers popping up!!! it's one of my favorite times of the year! the field trip sounds cool, it's good that you'll be able to tour a bit too!!