Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Ok...I'm exhausted today - not sure why. However emotionally I'm ok....I went out to see my girlfriend with the broken ankle this morning then came home and fell asleep. I actually feel abit better - coffee and lunch will help tremendously. I won't accomplish much around the house today though - guess that was yesterday.

My car is properly fixed (finally!) and so much more pleasant to drive. When it gets a little warmer I think I'm going to try to get the inside cleaned out and shined up - just to go with the new parts. Last night's meeting went well overall - I suspect that only about half the incoming high school freshman showed up - it didn't seem to be as big a group as I expected. The renovations at the high school aren't finished yet but it will be nice when they are done. And I was impressed with the principal - the little I've seen of him so far anyway. It's really hard for me to imagine Son1 has a high school freshman but it's rapidly approaching. Son2, who had to come due to the time of the meeting, was extremely wound up - I could tell he was absolutely exhausted and afraid to be still. I will leave him home tonight as this evening's meeting is going to be shorter and is scheduled earlier.

Enough rambling for the moment - I want to write about Lot's wife but need t odo so more study first. I also want to put together a bracelet that's been "percolating" in the back of my mind but doubt I'll have to time to do so before time to head to work. We are supposed to get a couple of inches of snow overnight - and have a teacher improvement delay for in the morning. I don't care for those morning delays as they make it harder for me to figure out start times. However I'm kind of looking forward to being able to sleep in an hour anyway.

1 comment:

kalipay said...

hope you aren't sick! i've been sick and in bed for about three days now. NO FUN. :(

have you been studying Lot's wife? what got you started on that topic? i've been delving into 2 Peter lately myself...