Sunday, December 31, 2006

Safely Home

Well we are safely home - exhausted but safely home. It rained most of the way home which made driving interesting. And we left way later than we should have - but it was worth it. We arrivied home at about 4:30 am this morning. Then I did an Amish run - then slept for about 4 hours - then back to finish the run. I'm going to go to bed. Unpacking, laundry, processing, etc will wait until tomorrow. And i will be boring and will not wait up for the New Year to come in.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Travel Plans

Well the decision has been officially made to not leave on our trip until very early Thursday morning. Hopefully it will save us $ in that we won't be staying in a hotel on the way down. Also hopefully it will mean that I'm a little less stressed. We will likely still do two "sit down" meal stops - fast food just doesn't cut it when I'm driving. I'm still doing laundry and trying to clean. The frustrating part is that Son2 has been exceedingly difficult this week - refusing to go to bed, refusing to do chores, pitching tantrums....the list could go on. During these times he creates much more work which is not something I need when I'm trying ot get ready for a trip.

I wonder if some of Son2's behavior issues are related to the fact that we haven't been back to OK since we moved a year after Hubby died - we will hopefully be seeing friends that we haven't seen in some time. I know that I have some nerves about it - am anxious to see friends but also abit nervous about it. I don't really know what to expect in "undealt with" issues and memories. I'm very tired again tonight - and having odd dreams so not sleeping overly well.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

He Made Clothing for Them

I just recently started a new devotional study called "Women of the Bible". The study is written by Ann Spangler and Jean E Syswerda and literally is a 52 week study - Monday to Friday. Anyway....I've had the book for awhile now and finally decided that I would never start it at the beginning of the year so would just start it - and take as much time as I needed with each lesson. So yesterday I was working on day 3 on Eve. One of the questions asked was "What is the first thing God does for Adam and Eve after He declares their punishment?" The Scripture to go to for the answer was Gen. 3 :20-24 which I guess I'll quote below.

"Adam names his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. And the Lord God said "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever." So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."

It said that "the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." Wow this really stood out to me - the first thing that God did for Adam and Eve - after he had declared their punishment was to provide clothing for them - and likely, though we are not told this - food also. It brought to mind just how much God loves and cares for us - He has promised to provide all we need. This is something I need to remember - especially when I stress over finances and getting things done.

Ok...I've probably repeated myself enough but it was a new insight for me. I need to scoot - this day is not a overly productive day here at home - I've gotten a haircut and done an Amish run which I need to go finish. Tonight we have grief group - our only time this month and I have some shopping to do in "the city". Tomorrow I need to have my gift bags for my kids on the bus finished as well as do another Amish run. Then there's packing, jam to make (to take with), gift wrapping and all the other things to take care of that's required before one takes a trip.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Ok....I only have a few minutes to type this. I spent most of the morning mixing up cookies and actually baking most of one batch. I got one load of laundry washed and into the dryer, the other one is still in the washer. Dinner is in the crock pot - I'm trying a new recipe that is supposed to be oven baked. However I've read/heard somewhere that most things that need baking can also be done in the crockpot so we will see how it turns out. I did remember to decrease the water the recipe called for - and left out the veggies. I will serve those on the side. I've also folded laundry, made a dentist appointment - to get my broken, very dead tooth looked at, and chatted on the phone.'s been a pretty productive morning. I needed to take time to work on the Bible study I've started - guess I will take that with me tonight when I go to watch a friends' little ones. My boys will stay home - hopefully reading in bed by the time I leave and I shouldn't be out really late.
In the meantime snow is coming down again - jsut flurries but it's extremely cold. Son1 wants enough snow to sled down our hill. Son2 would enjoy sledding but says he doesn't want the snow. That makes me laugh as one can't have one without the other. Friends in OK are out of school for the 3 day simply because the roads are still too icy and unsafe. On the one hand, it would have been nice to have a snow day this week (or last) ....on the other hand, I'd be going absolutely stir crazy if we were all home due to snow.
Better go - got to leave soon for bus driving this afternoon. AT the moment I'm not really looking forward to it but at least it's not pouring rain.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Describe "aggressively"

So I'm coming home from "the city" on a major east/west highway in pouring rain that's beginning to look like freezing rain. The lights are all green as I'm going through town - as long as I stay in the left lane. As soon as we are past the area where semi-trucks have to stay in the right lane I have a large red semi pull out into the left lane behind me and starts tailgating me. He continues to crowd me all the way out of town (until I turned off the highway to go home) - even flashing his high beams at me trying to get me to move over to the right lane. My thoughts were that it was raining too hard and there was too much traffic to my right for me to get over - especially as my turn-off was on the left - and I was doing the speed limit as it was. As I turned left and he sped off I was able to get his liscense plate and words off the side of the cab to call in. I get ahold of the sheriff's office and the dispatcher says "describe aggressively" after she hears part of my tale. She also asked how fast I was going - 60 mph. Once she heard that she thanked me for calling it in. So I won't ever know if the truck got pulled over or not but I figure I did my part to attempt to avert an accident. In the meantime I'm amused at the dispatcher's questions and very very thankful I was able to make it safely home.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Naps and Bus Routes

I took a much needed nap this morning - had a stack of stuff I needed to get done but realized that a nap was much more important. I fell much better now - and have actually got one coffee table straightened. I certainly won't get everything done that I needed or wanted to get done - however I fell better about life in general after that nap. I've not been sleeping well nor have I been getting enough exercise - I know it's affecting me severely mainly in my emotions but also with my weight. I'm not sure how to better organize myself and time to help resolve those issues. It seems like one of those endless circles.

My bus route went well this morning - we only saw 4 deer. That's got to be a record low number - especially as they were all in a group together. I know there had to be more out but it was fairly dark this morning and misting so the roads were abit slick, etc. However I had everyone except 2 of my regular morning riders so that was good. I was able to get down that "closed" road to get my stops down there so I should also be able to get them home tonight. I still wish the county guys had put the signs further apart but on the other hand it's very much a fun challenge to snake the bus through and not hit anything when there's not enough room. I'll be glad when the road is officially opened though - it's not a road I could back out of and there really aren't any good turn-arounds except the one I use.

OK...better scoot to get abit more done and get cleaned up.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


....those 6 kids I picked up this morning - apparently the regular driver waited at that stop for 7 minutes and they didn't come out. She has time issues with the daycare lady on a regular basis. So she's now upset with me for completely screwing things up. I'm thinking if that was the case it would have been nice for someone to let me know - I unwittingly would not have walked into that situation. My afternoon did not start off well.

Then on my route there's one road that supposedly was being closed completely - transportation did not know. One family took care of getting their kids picked up but the other two did not. And we did not have good phone #'s for either one of the later. So I had to squeeze between 2 road closed signs that barely had one bus length between them and deliver these kids. I feel really bad for the family that took care of picking up their own kids - they didn't have to do that if the proper communication had occurred. And to make matters worse - apparently the work was not done at all today - it's supposed to be completely closed tonight. So....I have no idea what to expect in the morning.

Different Day

Wow....what a morning. I feel discombobulated again.....we had a 2 1/2 hr delay this morning due to teacher inservice - the only thing extra that got accomplished was a little extra sleep and 3 of the 4 boxes of Christmas "stuff" got back out to the shed. And to top it off - as I'm coming home I see 6 students that apparently all missed their bus so I picked them up and drove them all the way back to school. They were all daycare kids - and apparently their daycare person had a dentist's appointment so she left. There was apparently someone else supposed to be in charge but I'm guessing that person didn't know what time the bus was supposed to come. Anyway it meant that instead of 3 hours or so at home I've only got 2 1/2 or less.

However the Christmas tree is up and decorated! Yeah! This year we are using a 4 ft tree instead of a 6ft or taller one. It made it much easier to decorate - I had the kids choose 10 ornaments each to put on it - and then I chose a few from my collection. Unfortunately I wasn't able to put any of the heavier porcelain ones on it - that's disappointing because a few of those are ones that about the meaning of Christmas - One shows baby Jesus in a crown and another shows Him in a half globe. I forget the titles though. Anyway it sure was nice to be able to put the lights on by myself and then have the kids do "their" part in 30 minutes or so. And I think taking it down will be much easier also which will be nice. The ornaments I did put on the tree are mostly ones that were handmade and/or gifted to me by kids off my buses or friends.

Today thankfully is nice and sunny and unseasonably's supposed to cool off but I think tonight I'm going to try to have the kids help me get some branches gathered up so we can use them for firewood. In the meantime I guess I'd better go write a couple of emails and then get the kitchen cleaned and the pantry picked up. I would like to finish the little bit of Christmas shopping I have left to do this week also.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


30 deer this morning while I had students on the bus and 4 without.....I love it. Some of my riders asked me what my highest one day total was - 39! And to make the morning extra pretty - the sun was shining, the sky was pink (red sky at sky in the morning, sailors take warning!) and everything was covered with hoar frost. I wished I had my camera with me and the time to take pictures. As it was I ran late - oops - too much time slowing down to count. Oh well it was fun.

Have got to finish my shopping list so I can run to the bank and do the grocery shopping. Hopefully soon I will get some additional Amish runs.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Strange To See....

That round yellow-white ball in the sky. It's something we haven't seen for way too long - wonderful to see the sunshine again. It's supposed to be partly cloudy, then mostly cloudy later today - hopefully the forecast is wrong. However the sun is supposed to come back later this week.

Son2 was complaining about the fact that it was snowing last night - not heavy but still coming down. It was cold enough this morning to have heavy frost on the bus and still some snow on shaded areas. I really don't mind the snow - if I could have it without the cold!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I feel very discombobulated I truly don't know where to start. I felt like I accomplished alot yesterday - then the mail came! Long story short - I got a letter saying that the receipts I had sent in to get the money from my Flex Spending Account weren't acceptable. So I - disagreeing with their reason - went looking for all of my old paystubs - most of which were in the same place - and my medical bills and bank statements - which weren't necessarily. Now I still have piles on my bedroom floor again and my "to shred" pile is huge. I have one child who got sick on my school bus yesterday - his mom doesn't have a telephone so I can't call to see how he's doing. Therefore I really would like to go by his house to check on him. I also need to get some duct tape and return some movies. I get myself together and go run errands? Or do I stay home - take care of my shredding and continue with slowly getting control of this house? Which is going to be more important in the long run and which is going to be more satisfying? I'm also keeping in mind that I won't be home this evening and much of tomorrow which means very little housecleaning getting done.

Ok....just got a call from the FSA company and got good news!!! They will pay the full claim I sent in and supposedly I still have a bit more I can send for! So....I guess that means I go run errands as I have to make copies of receipts that I can send in to get the rest. That means it will be convenient to return the movies and stop and buy duct tape. So....I guess I will go get laundry going, get ready to go and get going.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Train Up a Child

Train up a child in what is right and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6

This Scripture has been running through my mind lately. And I struggle with the question - How do I train my child? I have two hot-tempered sons, one of whom is also exceedingly stubborn and a perfectionist. So far I've found very little that works with him as far as discipline goes. One minute he can be the sweetest little (growing up too fast) boy who snuggles and cuddles and wants to be helpful and obedient. The next he's a complete terror - rebellious, doing his own thing, kicking, hitting, yelling, refusing to co-operate, refusing to do his chores.....Hopefully you get the picture. Taking things away doesn't seem to help - nor does restricting him to his room.....It's very frustrating and I feel at my wit's end at times (sometimes more than others.)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ok.....I know kids can be mean and cruel but why must they vandalize their school bus? Even in "minor" ways? Today while I was checking the bus after my route I found additional writing on one of the seat backs - "whor....=bus driver" "lol - true". Also someone peeled my seat patch off. I know that generally kids don't always like me because most of the time they think I'm too strict - I insist they sit - facing forward, keep their language reasonably clean and be reasonably polite. I don't tolerate kids calling other kids' names (when I catch them) or getting physical with other kids. Basically I don't let them do whatever they want to do on the bus. And I've gotten used to being considered a witch with a capital B. But this really bothers me - and I can't honestly pinpoint why - whether it's the name they chose or the fact that it is vandalism and I don't know who's doing it. I am better than 90% certain that it's some of my shuttle kids that I drop off at a trailer park - I make them sit in the front half of the bus and my regular route kids sit in the back half. The shuttle kids don't like that either because they think that I'm not being fair. I figure it's easier because I'm on a major highway when I drop them off so I don't want to be stopped there too long. And I only have them in the afternoon so it's much harder to get to know them - they are all middle school students - 6-8th. So....the question becomes how do I handle this? I figure by the handwriting it's likely a girl but not sure how I can possibly figure out exactly who's doing it. It's really difficult to do a seating chart because I still don't know all of these kids (shuttle) - there's about 20 of them alone. I do know all my regular route riders...and I have issues with them trashing the bus - leaving candy wrappers, etc in their seats. There is a trash can up front so they could use that. We will discuss that tomorrow afternoon - after I have all my regular route riders on.

Seriously SHE now I know for sure that I'm a totally serious Side-tracked Home Executive! This morning I'm on the computer checking email and getting ready to place an order for some Christmas gifts. But to do so I need my charge card.....which the last time I can remember seeing is beside the computer. I know that that's the last place I used it. After pulling off several different stacks of paper and scanning through them I can't find it. Next stop the Family room - where I look in a drawer then decide "oh I'd better start that load of laundry". While the washer is filling I fold clean laundry and collect dirty to put in the washer. Then another quick scan through a drawer then on to my bedroom where I go through my bedside table which time it's time to leave for my haircut. And I still haven't found the card or finished placing my order! Now that I'm back from my haircut and have successfully bought milk - and a few extras - I will finish lunch then go back to searching. I think I will set my timer for 15 minutes though - work in one area for that time then move on. And hopefully sometime today I will get my birdfeeders filled....they've been sitting on the table waiting for several days.

FlyLady's email reminders and routines are slowly slowly beginning to sink in. For more information check out

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Down again

Well MKPlanet is down again tonight.....guess that means I will be heading to bed early - or at least earlier than normal. I'm glad it's not just my computer but still.....There doesn't seem to be much to write about tonight - am still fighting this upper respiratory bug so get tired easily. I don't feel like I've accomplished much around the house the past few days - and tomorrow likely won't be any better. However tomorrow I will be out part of the day - in addition to work - so that will give me more reason to not get stuff done. However I finally get to get a haircut - yeah!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I love my job

Well I tried to post last night and the phone rang....I never got back to the computer after my phone calls. Then I started towards bed earlier than normal after that. My voice is still shot - scratchy. But at least my throat doesn't hurt - unless I cough. I'm quite certain I got the germs from Son1 - who is hopefully on the mend. However I'm going to wait until Monday before calling the Dr......I want to be sure it's not a virus. Anyway enough about this.

It's pretty funny to try to drive a school bus without much of a voice - I discovered this afternoon that I currently am unable to yell loud enough to get the attention of a child in the back of the bus. I'm limited to having the child to my right get the attention of who-ever I need. It made me laugh - especially when they said "use your PA system". I don't have one on this bus! And really hate to use them even when I do have them available.

OK......on to the real reason I have been thinking about bus driving. I am so incredibly blessed to have a job that I really truly enjoy - it has me outside rather than cooped up in an office. I have the chance to impact people for good or bad - and possibly for eternity - simply by how I greet them in the morning. If I bother to learn their names the kids learn that even though I'm strict I truly do care about them. And learning their names really isn't that difficult - just takes time at the beginning of the school year. It's really neat to be out in public doing something and having a kid recognize you and wave or say hi or even come up and give you a hug. Or to have a child get on in the morning and always stop and tell me something about their morning or life - whether that it's cold outside or the name of their rooster! This is a job that I don't dread getting up to do....though sometimes I don't enjoy the "getting up" part.

But there are drivers in our school district that really do not enjoy kids or driving a bus - they are in it just for the money. That honestly baffles me - the money really isn't that much for the responsibility we have. Actually I can't imagine a worse job for someone who thinks most kids are "evil" or doesn't like kids because of what she/he perceives as bad behavior/personalities. I would hate to have a job where I dreaded work because I really didn't like the people I hauled. I know that every job has it's drawbacks but I really think that if I was miserable at my job I should be finding a different one.

None of that probably makes sense but I don't know how to word it better. The kids are getting ready to want the computer for awhile and I need to figure out what to serve for dinner as Son1 ate the leftovers I was thinking about.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just for fun - Two by Two

This is a "just for fun" quiz that I found in a scrapbooking magazine - "Scrapbook Shortcuts". Eventually I intend to get back to my scrapbooking and want to use some of these quizzes as part of my journalling.

"Two by Two"

1) Two Everyday things I couldn't live without: My journal and my camera. (Had an awful time just picking two things!)

) Two of my favorite songs : Because He Lives and If You Could See Me Now by Truth. This second one talks about someone who's died and gone to heaven - how they are so much better off than they were here on earth - even though they are missed. "Because He Lives" is a hymn that I remember singing as a child - I've loved it most of my life.

3) Two things I want to do before I die: Ummm.....this one is hard. I guess one would be to travel and the other definitely would be to have the boys raised.

Two things I worry about: Money and probably school violence

5) Two stores I shop at: Walmart and Barnes & Noble (bookstore).

6) Two things that scare me: I really try not to think about things that scare me.....

7) Two snacks I could eat every day: Home-baked brownies and white chocolate.

8) Two people I'd be lost without: Jesus Christ (without whom I'd be eternally lost) and my sister.

9) Two nicknames I've been given: "Reddy" due to my tendancy to blush and "Goldilocks" due to the color of my hair - years ago.

10) Two Places I want to go on vacation: Australia and back to Kenya. Being as that is unlikely to happen - definitely not "next" - Yellowstone and DisneyWorld would be other choices.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

To Post or Not

I'm debating at the moment whether or not to post this -have wanted to do just a light-hearted fun post for awhile. However have just learned that my sister's father-in-law is not doing well at all - her husband is flying overseas to be with them. He will be gone for about a week depending on what happens. Please be praying for travelling safety for him, for my sister at home with the two little ones and for a miracle for his dad.

On a praise - another friend's father just accepted the Lord. He's recently been through major surgury and this is the result. Her mother knows the Lord already.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Wow.....I learned something last night....definitely not a pleasant experience. I drove Son1's last middle school cross country meet last night. The students were wild on the way in - to the point that I actually pulled the bus over to teh side of the road for the safety of the students. I'm not generally as strict on a field trip or sports trip as I am driving my regular route. However nor will I allow students to sit in the aisle or on the top of seats - or to do backwards somersaults in their seat. So I pulled the bus over and had a couple of students change places so they were no longer sitting together and no longer sitting in the back of the bus. I'm comfortable doing that - though on a field trip or sports trip I would prefer that the coach handle discipline.

Anyway....we got there in one piece. So I'm walking back towards the bus to sit for a few minutes and work on some stuff when one of the mom's says "I need to talk to you". Long story short - she basically attacked me for encouraging my son to go to the school authorities about some issues involving her son(s). Her son(s) were not the only students involved in either case - and one of the cases had happened over a year ago. That one involved several students playing "keep away" with Son1's MP3 player that he used during off-season running. My issue wasn't with the fact that they were playing keep-away with it but that they were throwing it in other student's lockers. I felt that that was too easy a way to make something look like a setup - that a student could say "oh missing" and then Son1 would be blamed because he was the last one seen "in" the locker. So we together went to the principal. I knew parents were upset about that situation but didn't know which ones were - and though I cared I wasn't going to pursue it. So the second issue is that a new younger kid on the team has been picked on in the locker room - Son1 has stepped in several times in an attempt to get this stuff to stop and nothing has been effective. So I finally went and spoke to the head coach (who doesn't necessarily come to all the practices but he's officially the head coach) and without naming any names - except the child who was being picked on and my son's - let him know what was happening. I also let teh coach know that I could give him names if he wanted/needed them but I would prefer not to - which he understood and respected. He also said immediately that he had a pretty good idea of who was involved and that since the girls on the team had been fighting also he was aware there was some problems and that he would deal with the situation.
I left it go - put it out of my mind - not even connecting that there were kids from the same family involved both times. (During the team discussion names were not named - this mom learned about my son being the one to say something from another parent who I'd trusted and shared with).

I truly felt attacked - personally and publically and at the time did not have any adequate answers. She likely would not have listened anyway even though I attempted to suggest having a 3rd party listen in so it could be talked out - her words on that were "No I'm not a Tattletale!". I ended up walking away with a "Whatever" then turning back and letting her know that her son was one of the ones involved in the discipline issues on the bus. Now of course - hours later I can come up with responses though not always tactful ones. And I can completely understand why her boys are bullies - locker-room teasing may be "just kid stuff" but now a days it can't be ignored - and when it involves repeated put-downs, etc it is WRONG and is bullying.

I confess I'm still upset about the whole situation. It could have been handled much better and less publically then at a meet. However I am extremely proud of Son1 for standing up for the kids that are getting picked on - he knows the pain of being in that position and he's learning the right responses. And I personally don't believe that my actions were wrong in stepping in - in either of those cases. Unfortunately we will likely have to be involved with this mom for several years to come - and she is a "christian" also.

OK...this is long - and I had intended to not blog the painful stuff again - but any input or wisdom any readers have would be appreciated.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


This morning I was thinking - actually I was feeling kind of down about being a single parent and wondering how I could ever demonstrate to my boys how a real man cherishes the woman he loves. Then my thoughs wandered to a friend of mine who is going through a divorce - and is starting over with her life. She recently lost some hours at a job and therefore lost income and she was/is concerned about how she is going to make ends meet. The Scripture from Phil. 4:19 "And my God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus." came to mind. I was actually thinking of it in relation to her needs for income. Then I realized that that includes my need for a way for my boys to see how a man truly cherishes the woman he loves - it gave me a sense of peace. God knows this need - I just have to trust Him to supply it. I'm not saying I won't ever worry about it again - that's an on-going thing - but I just need to trust Him.

On a different note - I saw 18 deer this morning during the bus route. 16 of those were while I had students on the bus - including one group of 7. It's so much fun (at least for me) to keep my eyes open to catch glimpses of them - and then to keep track of how many we see. I know that there are likely way more that we don't see because I have to keep my eyes on the road. Yesterday we saw 3 in the road - not sure which way to go - and even when they did cross they ran alongside for abit looking for a break in the fence. And again this morning the light was just glorious - beautiful pink sunrise - then the golden glow of the sun slanting across the ripening fields and the dark storm clouds in the west. The sun is now hidden behind those same storm clouds and we are having more rain and thunderstorms.

Guess I'd better scoot - got to run to the store this morning - have a big field trip tomorrow.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a Difference!

What a difference a day makes - or in this case an overnight! Wow! Son2 got up this morning, showered, dressed, cheerful, did his chores, made his lunch and got ready for school - no fits, no tantrums, no fighting with his brother.....It was absolutely wonderful! (He was actually dressed before he came in to snuggle with me) I had him into bed last night - lights out - by 8:10 pm though he says he didn't go to sleep until after 8:30. Beyond that we didn't do anything different - he did not want to go to Wednesday night church and frankly I choose not to argue with him over that. I simply told him that he would be going to bed at 8:00 and I did not want to hear any whines about boredom or regretting not going. I didn't so that's a plus also. I know that he's looking forward to Erin's House tonight - to getting to go into the Tornado Room. Beyond that I have no idea what the difference was but I sure am thankful. It made for a much better morning for all of us. And last night I actually got to spend a few minutes cross stitching - probably about 15 but that's better than none.

I'm really thankful that we are able to get back to a regular schedule at Erin's House - I look forward to the contact with others who are in the same situation I am. I really struggle with being told that it's time to stop going there - stop rehashing the death and move on. I'm being told this by a friend who lost her first husband and is now remarried and has a baby. She never did end up taking her girls there and hasn't approved of us going there from the beginning. However I don't feel like I'm stuck reliving - I just need the support of being able to share with others for 2 hours a month. Son1 doesn't get to go because he has a cross country meet tonight - I will miss getting to watch that and having him wiht us. However it's important that Son2 and I go anyway.

On a different note - I saw 18 deer on the bus route this morning. Mostly it's in the usual groups of 2-3 at a time. However in one place we saw 6! (Actually I saw 19 but only 18 were while I had kids on the bus). Anyway it's really fun to look for them and keep count. The drive was beautiful - the sun came out yet there was these dark clouds in the background. I wish I could capture the scene in photography and words - the ripening fields of corn and soybeans, the dark clouds in the background and the sun's rays slanting across - making everything sharper and more vibrant.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Yeah for Fog Delays

It's going to be a different morning today. Son2 is still sleeping. Actually he went back to sleep when he heard we are on a 2 hour fog delay. I didn't get the news until 6:00 am so wasn't able to go back to sleep. I am glad for the delay as I had an Amish run last night that had me home later than I prefer to be. A couple of my riders didn't hear me pull into where I picked them up so we ran late from the start. Then at one point we came on a train just stopped on a RR track - blocking the road. That meant a turn-around and a detour. We waited abit then decided to go around as we couldn't hear any engine sounds. So anyway....we got home late. It was already fairly foggy in spots.

This weekend was another busy one - Son 1's third and final weekend cross country meet. It was another very big one - south of here in a park. There were 8 races again though we only had runners in 4 of them. Son1 ran the course in 14:50 - a good time especially considering it was a hilly course with the start being an uphill. (he says it was supposed to be an easy course but no one really did outstanding - on our teams). He's got two more meets this week - Tues & Thurs. I will get to see the Tues. meet but not the Thursday meet as that's away and Son2 & I have a commitment elsewhere.

Nothing much else going to get stuff done before having to get out on the bus.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Short & sweet

Long day today but interesting. I drove a field trip to a re-enactment site. It was interesting though I got too cold to go to all the sites. I spent some time sitting on the bus and actually cross stitched. I didn't read any or journal due mainly to being with another driver.

Tonight it's storming - Son2 is waiting in my bed for snuggle time - the thunder is bothering him. I've read some cool blogs's been fun.

And throughout the day I saw 20 deer - 2 this afternoon and all the rest this morning. I know that with hunting season about to start I won't be seeing as many. However it's so cool to see them now.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Ok....I admit it - I'm really frustrated/depressed tonight. I know that I accomplished stuff today but it doesn't feel like it. I got off the bus and right away took a 20 minute walk with Sally (the dog). She sets a pretty decent pace to say the least - it's more like her walking me rather than me walking the dog. Then I came in and started to doing some baking that I wanted to get done. However unfortunately I actually ended up with flames in the bottom of the oven so my baking got put on hold until I was able to get the oven cleaned. I did that this afternoon after my bus route and then did finish up my baking. I have a sack full of paperback books that need to go out - I'm thinking to a nursing home or something similar. I also have two garbage bags full of clothes - one has some that are nearly new in it. I plan to take those to a church in town that I know runs a clothes closet. And I've decided how to sort my cross stitch mags so that I can give away some of them.

I think a huge part of my frustration comes from having a very difficult afternoon bus route today....mainly with my shuttle students. They dawdle out to the bus, they don't want to sit in their seats, they don't want to share seats......the list goes on. I was definitely a screamer today - actually left the school late because kids would not move in to allow another person into their seat. Basically what I think I'm going to have to do is first hand out rule sheets to all the shuttle students so I can figure out who they are. Secondly I'm going to have to come up with a seating chart and I may have to break down and get a camera on board. I really don't want to do that though so will see if a seating chart helps.

On a brighter note.....I did see 17 deer this morning while I was on the bus. 12 of them were while I had students on the bus. The remaining 5 I saw while I was on the way home. It was amazing - one day I will get out early with my camera.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I had an epiphany!!

I've been following Flylady's hints -
recently - just getting started. I'm trying to at least get my sink emptied and shined everynight. Anyway yesterday in one of the emails she was talking about clutter and the things people do to try to ignore/avoid it. One of the examples given was that we tend to leave the house all day and try to pretend it doesn't exist because we are staying busy outside of home. That completely resonated with me - I've done it in the past. And this week was shaping up to be hectically busy because I'm having a difficult time saying no to people - as a result I wasn't getting time at home - or at least not nearly enough time. The kids have been cranky, I've been cranky and things have just been getting more and more chaotic and overwhelming. So....I gave away my Amish run that I had scheduled for tonight - paid S the difference between what I would have charged and what she would normally charge. I could have used the money I would have made but I figured with a trip last night and another one - all day on Friday - and another Saturday meet I really needed the time at home with the boys. Especially since Son2 has a cold coming on.

Last night's trip was a cross country meet that I drove - I really enjoy doing those (though I was a bit peeved at the condition of the bus afterwards!) Son2 did very well - ran the course in 15:27. That's not an overall PR but it is a PR on that particular course so I'm pleased. He also placed high enough to earn a ribbon which is excellent. My trip on Friday is a 4th grade field trip that I get to take Son2 on. There will be 4 buses going at least so it should be interesting. I probably won't spend the entire time with Son2 but just getting to be the one to drive him will be good.

My current goal is to not take anything more lengthy during the week than a trip to the grocery in the way of Amish runs - that will give me just a bit of cash. Then on weekends I will still be available to do at least one evening run. Hopefully financially I will be able ot handle things this way. But my boys have to come first and cash won't do me any good if I'm too cranky to deal with them.

On a different note - this morning on the bus route we saw one deer - in the middle of the road no less! - and a wolf/coyote. I think it had the coloring of a wolf but one of my students didn't think it was large enough to be one. Either way - it's the first of either I've seen in the wild so it was still exciting.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Deer and Sunshine!!

It's going to be a beautiful sunny day today - maybe cool but sunny!!! Yeah! We haven't had sunshine in what seems like far too long - at least not consistent sunshine. And I saw a total of 13 deer this morning while on my bus. Ten of them were while I had students on with me - then I saw 2 before i picked anyone up and 1 on my way home after dropping everyone. I really really enjoy my bus route - it's fun to keep an eye out for the deer and keep track of how many we see. Probably the coolest ones were the mama and 2 fawns that were on a mowed lawn relatively close to the road - we got a good look as they tried to decide which way to run.

I had intended on walking today...had actually hoped to get a walk in. However I'm not sure it will happen - got a call to take some Amish to the hospital to see the new baby that was just born this morning. Considering I had driven the parents to the hospital last night there was no way I could turn that down. So I'm reconsidering my list of things to do to see what all I need to cut out. Making muffins is gone, the walk is iffy.....dinner has to be fixed as does doing some maintance on this computer. I also need to get out the hose and wash my bus - technically rinse it- focusing on the windows. I have a trip tonight - taking the cross country team to Tippy Valley for a meet. We will be one of 3 schools - nice change from Saturday's meet.

I was really glad I didn't drive Saturday's meet - there were 35 schools - both high school and middle school. In each race there were approximately 200 runners - and they ran 8 races. There were varsity and junior varsity/reserve races for middle school girls, middle school boys, high school girls & high school boys. It was amazing - the crowds were horrendous to say the least. We left before the award ceremony - perks to not driving the bus. However it was so much fun to watch the runners even though one couldn't be at both the starting line and the finish line. I screamed myself hoarse cheering them on. Son1 did absolutely fantastic - his official time was 14:13:30 - over 45 seconds off his time last Thursday. He's well on the way to making his goal for the season - to run the distance under 14 minutes.

Well better scoot - got to get some stuff done today!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Faster Still.....

15 minutes flat - That was Son1's time at his meet today. Tuesday's time was 15:22 so he shaved another 22 seconds off today! The next meet is Saturday - it's another invitational and is apparently HUGE. I guess there are going to be 35 schools involved - there could be 200 runners in each race - Middle school girls Reserve; Middle School Girls Varsity; Middle School boys reserve; Middle school boys Varsity; High school girls reserve; High school girls Varsity, High school boys reserve and High school boys Varsity. The "Varsity" has nothing to do with age and everything to do with speed. Son1 is not by any means the fastest runner on the team - those guys are coming in under 12 minutes for 1.9 miles. The high school boys distance is a 5K race so that's abit longer. He's run those before but not often yet. Anyway Son1's goal for the season is to come in under 14 minutes for the distance - he's already shaved off a complete minute so it's possible.

I've got an Amish run for tomorrow that I really don't want to do....will have to talk to Suz to see what she thinks. I'm just tired - and things are going to get busier over the next month.

Found out tonight that Dad will be going to S. Africa Monday for a month - Mom will stay on this side of the ocean. I have very mixed emotions about that - guess it will be an opportunity for me to learn to trust more. But I really wish I lived closer - or that she could come here for part of that time.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cross Country Meet

Ok....last night I had a long journal entry typed out - that I was going to post part of on here. However something happened and it completely disappeared. I was not happy but was also way too tired to retype it all. (probably still too tired tonight).

Yesterday I drove the bus for a major cross country meet for Son2. We left the middle school at 7:15 & the high school about 7:30 to arrive at the meet at about 8:15. By that time there was already 8 - 10 other school buses there and you could begin to feel the energy in the air. The first race - middle school girls - started at 9:00 am - and there were over 100 runners. To see the crowd of girls all at the starting line - hear the pistol go off and see them start off was so cool. The spectators lined up along the starting line then divided - in no particular way - and moved to different vantage points along the route. I moved between the starting line, a point near the finish and the finish line was so cool. Our top middle school girl came in 2nd place. Then it was the middle school boys - again well over 100 runners - again the team runouts, the starting pistol, the energy, the excitement...I'm having a hard time finding the words to describe it. At the finish line - to watch the runners come in....out of breath, sprinting the last few hundred feet, puking, crying, exhilerated, convinced they couldn't go another step yet doing so anyway.....the thrill and the agony all together. Son 2 ran the course in 15:41 - a full 20 seconds off his time for the same distance (different course) last Thursday - and far better than the same course one year ago. At the end he had enough energy left to sprint and pass 3 runners - one just by feet before the finish line. He placed 82 - with 62 runners coming in after him - compared to last year where there were maybe 20 runners behind him.

I am so very very proud of him - he has worked very hard - running year round - improving his time and his stamina. His confidence has grown - in all areas not just running....he's maturing.

AFter the middle school races there was high school girls, high school varsity guys and high school junior varsity guys for a total of 5 races. Out of those 5 races 4 of them had over 100 runners each - the only one that didn't was the high school junior varsity runners. That gives you an idea of the sheer volumne of people and runners there. Our middle school boys and girls both took first place overall - awesome!

I long to be able to run again myself and learn/speak sign language.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Daily Life

No fog delay this morning though there was still fog on the roads. At least 3 school districts in OH cancelled school today - due I'm certain to the fog. I'm really glad we haven't gone that far yet - I suspect it will be a hard winter as it is. Many of the trees are already changing color - a month early.

Son1 had his first cross country meet this afternoon. I finished my route up on the bus then drove back to the middle school for the meet. He hit a Personal Record - did the course in 16:01. That's 8 seconds off his time trial last week and far better than any of his times in the past. And our course is harder than most of the other courses he will run this season. I think the girls team won while the boys team didn't do as well. However the most important thing in my book is that he does his best and improves over his own times.

The kitchen is clean....mostly at least and the dishes are done. Yesterday I did not shine my sink - it really does make a noticable difference to get up to a clean sink. I've started going through the fridge and all the laundry that is done is folded. It is major baby steps but it's a start. It will come easier once I actually get on a schedule and stay home more than I'm gone during the week. This will be a very short weekend however as I'm driving a cross country meet on Saturday.

I keep thinking that one of these times I will post/write something really inspired but this is really truly just day to day life. Son2 reads well when he wants to - loves to read Star Wars books. The challenge is to get him to read his homework...he just really doesn't like to do that - thinks it's a waste of time. Ok....I'm going to take my tired self towards bed.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Fog Again....

We are under another 2 hour delay....this morning the fog is actually getting thicker rather than lifting. Son1's meet was cancelled yesterday because the other school system didn't even go due to the fog. (It's completely amazing to actually cancel school due to fog - but as a bus driver I'd rather not drive in heavy fog). Both boys were very disappointed.

Son2 is having issues with reading....he's a very capable reader - reads above his grade level and comprehends well. However he doesn't enjoy reading and fights doing homework that involves reading. He seems to feel that because he's read it at school he shouldn't have to read it a second time. It's frustrating and I'm not sure how to encourage him. I would like to see him consistently pick up a book to read for enjoyment....he doesn't do that. to go get started on the day - discombobulated though it may be.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Two Hour Delay

Two hour fog delay this morning....first one of the school year. I was actually surprised we didn't have one last Friday. These two hour weather delays were something to get used to when we moved up here. The only thing they did in OK weatherwise was to either have the buses leave early - they always ended up running late - or actually cancel school. Today is also Son1's first cross country meet of the season - at home. I'm planning on running my afternoon route and then just going straight to the school with the bus. Son2 should have arrived by another bus about the same time I get there.

It's going to be a busy week this week - 3 cross country meets including a Saturday one that I'm driving for.....the small group that I'm going to possibly be involved in starts Wednesday night at church....getting the car fixed over the weekend....In between I have some letters to write and hope to get my stitching out again.

Better go get going on the day....I've had coffee now.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Missing Posts & Comments

Ok...this is really strange. I did a recap last night & posted it but it still hasn't shown up. Neither have my comments. I'm not sure why nor how to "fix" it. One of these days I suppose I really really need to learn more about the computer. However I really have no desire to do that at all.

Today was a very quiet day around the house. Both boys went home from church with a friend - they helped him build a fence...or rather finish it. By about 3:00 pm I'd had enough "quiet" to last me for awhile - it was very odd. I think the dog even noticed how quiet it was as she kept barking. Now that the boys are home she has settled down alot.

I have an Amish run tonight - won't make much as it's only taking one person north. However I felt like I could do it as I don't have school tomorrow. I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in (I hope) then am planning on us going to see a movie and maybe dinner out.

Warm fresh peach jam on fresh homemade bread is absolutely the best snack ever! And for a change my bread turned out pretty good. Now I've jsut got to go unload the dishwasher (normally the boys' job but they are both asleep) and put the dinner leftovers away. I made spagetti and used several tomatoes from the garden. I also picked up and re-organized the front room a bit, wrote one letter and started another one. Now....just to fit time in so that I can stitch in the evenings.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Well today turned out ok I guess....Son2 ended up going to his SS teacher from the last couple of years for the afternoon. He helped build a fence, feed calves, drove a tractor and I'm not sure what all else. He came back in a much better frame of mind - hopefully with the knowledge that to be part of the family he's got to help with chores. In the meantime, Son1 and I did some grocery shopping, moved the exercise bike inside and watched a movie together (or at least most of one). I had planned on us going to the "city" tomorrow after church. However since Son2 is going back to finish the job we will put that off until Monday. I'm glad to be out of school Monday but at some point I've got to get my paperwork together for the bus route.


Complete and total frustration! I got up this morning with a severe sinus headache - could not sleep. Since that time I've been both trying to get rid of it and to get the house picked up and cleaned. Son1 has done a decent job today of helping and getting his chores done.'s an ongoing weekly battle that I simply cannot seem to make progress on. He refuses to co-operate at all - even in the basic things that involve his stuff. I hate sounding like a nag yet I can't seem to make any progress at all. He's a child that physical discipline has never worked on and he's big enough that nothing else works either. ARGH. And even though this weekend is a 3 day weekend - next weekend essentially will only be a 1 day weekend as I'm driving a cross country meet for Son1. I'm excited to get to drive some of Son1's events - I get in free and get to be with him. (He's informed me he won't talk to me or sit near me.....that makes me smile as that's not new.) I am attempting to work with FLYLADY's routines.....getting the sink cleaned at night, planning ahead...basically getting control. However right now I'm behind - hate the chaos and hate the attempting to get Sons to help. OK...enough. I'll try to post something more positvie later.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

What did I accomplish today?

Well....I thought today would end up being a very "profitable" day - in that I accomplished alot. However tonight it sort of went down the tubes - got nothing of my evening plans done as Son2 is not feeling well. He's now asleep in my bed....I'm not going to get the kitchen cleaned tonight though the dishwasher has run. I will get the cookies put away and hopefully the rest of the dishes in or beside the sink. But I didn't get my second batch of jelly done nor did I get the birdfeeders refilled.

So what did I accomplish today?? I made one batch of jelly, wrote checks to pay bills and actually got them in the mail. I made a couple of phone calls that needed to be made. I got my bed changed and two loads of laundry washed and dried. They still need to be folded. I clipped coupons and tossed the remnants in the recycle bin. I installed Word on the computer (that was definitely NOT planned). I also spent 1 1/2 hours mowing the lawn - have a good section of it done - down by the road. Some of the grass was tall enough that it could almost be used as hay. There's still a smallish area - at the point of the triangle by the road that needs mowed and all of the area up around the house. I spent time on the trampoline with the boys - did 35+ "butt bounces" in addition to just goofing off and playing with them. I picked a good sized bowl of tomatoes. I snuggled Son2, helped Son1 with the stuff on the computer (now I just have to get the printer working!) ....I guess that's all - except for work. By the state of the house it doesn't look like I've accomplished anything.

The kittens are doing well overall. Oddball's two - born last week have their eyes open now. The ginger one is bigger definitely but she's still being a good mama to both babies. Tiger's four are starting to move around alot more - climbing, exploring, etc. They are still very tiny but growing. We have "named" the ginger one from that litter Tubby as it's so fat. The three grey calico ones don't have names yet. My thought is to give away (or trade) all but maybe two. That would still leave us with 4 adult cats outside, Survivor, Stormie (who's both inside and out) the two kittens we'd keep and at least one stray that eats here. That should be enough to keep the mice & other critters down. I know Tiger hunts - she ate a rabbit last week.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Today was another busy day - I feel like I ran pretty much all day - dropped off my bus for a service, then to the chiropractor, then to get some groceries, then another appointment, then home to start dinner....After that and a quick lunch back for the afternoon bus route then back to the grocery as I'd forgotten one critical item and a couple not so critical ones. This evening was relatively quiet - I got some stuff picked up and put away - kitchen is mostly cleaned and the family room is beginning to look better. I didn't get as much done there as I'd expected to as I had a friend bring over a couple of Amish ladies to pick pears - I had one baby girl and 4 little Amish boys needing entertained inside. Duplo blocks are wonderful!! It was pouring rain outside so those who were out - including both Son1 & Son2 - were absolutely soaked. I have a box of pears on the bus to deliver to another driver tomorrow morning and there are still some on the tree. The apples are almost ready also - and if I can sell a few of them as well....I try not to ask alot but it's nice to get a bit to cover the spraying I do.

Ok....I'm exhausted - still have a few things to finish up in the kitchen then off for another busy day tomorrow.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Busy Week

Boy it feels like it's been a really busy long week and I feel like overall I accomplished very little around the house. I did get one batch of peach jam made and have stuff to make probably two batches of jelly in the fridge. However I still have 3 large bowls of peaches sitting on the kitchen counter. I had hoped to get bread started tonight but don't think that's going to happen. I'm trying to figure out how best to use my time tomororw - and hoping that I don't hurt as badly as I do tonight. I'm supposed to go back to the chiropractor on Monday again - he's recommending 6 weeks of twice weekly treatments. However I also have to take my bus in as one of my celenoids are likely going out - my gauges keep quitting. So next week is shaping up to be another extremely busy week - Tuesday I was supposed to go back into the city to take care of some business - that's not happening.

On an exciting note....I've been invited to join some of the other bus drivers for breakfast on Tuesday morning after our bus route. I'm really excited as that's one huge thing I've missed from OK - the occasional breakfast outing - usually on a payday - to visit and hang out. Some of these drivers are distinctly "salty" but also welcoming and friendly. They get a kick out of the fact that I blush easily. They are doing their best to help me get settled in and get things smoothed out on my route. I am referring to my directional notes much much less now though.

All six of the kittens seem to be doing ok. I never really checked on Oddball's babies today - I've been trying to leave her alone with them as much as possible. Tiger's babies all have their eyes open and are crawling around quite abit. They still pretty much stay in the box Tiger moved them to though. Survivor is fairly skittish again though - not a good thing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Puss & Peaches

Tired tonight but overall I feel like I accomplished at least a bit today. I have 5 good sized bowls of peaches sitting on my kitchen table waiting to be processed tomorrow. I suspect that they will only be good for jam and jelly but we will see how they look and taste peeled. The kitchen and stove top is cleaned and ready to process the peaches - no matter if they end up jelly/jam or canned. Soon there will be apples to do. And thankfully I found some people that like pears so those won't go totally to waste!! I'm happy there.

Oddball had her babies today - she delivered 3 but one appeared to be a stillbirth - and of course that one looked like it would have been a calico. The one that was cleaned up and looked great is ginger colored. She had those 2 early this morning. I went out late morning to take care of the dead one and found that she had moved the ginger one and there was another live kitten where she had delivered it. However Oddball herself was not there. So - of course - I ignored the reason I was out there in the first place and tried to figure out how to get mama to accept her baby. I cleaned baby up a bit - as much as possible - as it was very feisty and appeared healthy. Then I took it to mama (who was with the ginger kitten) and got her to lay down with both babies. Then I took off for town for kitten milk just in case I needed to bottle feed the one. By the time I came back mama had cleaned up the second kitten & both appeared to be doing well. So...hopefully I will have two healthy kittens from this litter. The second one is another possible calico - those are definitely my favorites. Tiger's 4 remaining babies are doing well I think. Their eyes are open and they are moving around quite abit. Both mama cats need to be fixed - that will have to happen sometime this fall/winter. In the meantime I hope all the babies will survive the much colder nights we are having.

In addition to picking peaches and "cat care" I got two of my perennials planted this evening. The honeysuckle is back by the woodpile - hopefully it will take off and cover the wood. The black-eyed Susan is also back there slightly down from the honeysuckle. My goal for that area is to have a large perennial bed that will attract hummingbirds and butterflies, in addition to being one area less that has to be mowed. There are still a couple of other plants I need to get in and it's almost time to think bulbs. However not tonight.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Nothing special

Ok....I really can't think of anything to write about tonight - except that I actually did finish my bus route by 4:30 today - That's a huge improvement over last week. Juggling work, the kids, the house and everything is a huge challenge right now.

Friday, August 18, 2006

I think I'm getting it!

School has started - yesterday was the first day. My morning route is going relatively well so far - still learning kids' names and houses but at least I'm not getting lost! My afternoon route is a different story altogether. Yesterday it was an hour past the time I should have been done before I dropped my last child. Son1 spent the time riding a shuttle bus until I could get him - Son 2 was home. So this morning I did fine until the school radioed and asked when I went by one child's home. I guessed at 7:30 or so but didnt' have him on my list so really wasn't sure. After the route I headed to the office - now I have a new copy of my afternoon route - hand-drawn - in pencil so that I can hopefully read it. It even has left and right turns on it - labelled. I get to sit down and write that all out in longhand - and hopefully by this afternoon have it good enough that I can actually get done when I should be done. Then....I get to start working on my shuttle kids - figuring out who's destroying my seats already and getting them all assigned seats. I've never had a bus this crowded - where I have 3 to a seat regularly for a consistent part of the route. Ok....better go and get started on that longhand...then there's cleaning to be done...and an Amish run tonight after work.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sun Poisoning????

Wow...where do I start? It's been a hectic crazy couple of days and not likely to slow down much from now on out. Son2 woke up yesterday morning with a swollen face and eyes nearly swollen shut - he was back in bed asleep within 15 minutes. He slept all morning (no church for me) and didnt' look any better after he got up. He also by that point had a rash on his neck that was itchy. I'd been advised to give him Benadryl by my sister (thanks) and was advised by the dr. on call to continue that for 24 hours. I called the dr. back when he started throwing up and she called back a couple of hours later to check on him. (Dr's that do that are a rare thing!) Anyway he spent the night in my room - neither of us slept overly well. This morning I called the doctor's office to have him seen. He was diagnosed with sun poisoning. I wasn't overly surprised due to the research I'd done yesterday - both online and talking to people. However I was surprised that the doctor put him on an antibiotic for the next 10 days. So far he's only had one dose and is already feeling much better - and the swelling is starting to go down. Yeah! Having said that.....he will also have to be very careful in the sun for - likely - the rest of his life - it will be very important that he use sunscreen and maybe even wear a hat. It's amazing to think that the sun could actually be "poisonous" for someone.

In between all that school starts this week - and there is all the last minute stuff to get done. This morning I drove my bus route with the boss - actually he drove and I rode and took notes. Tonight I went to the elementary school that my bus goes to help out with "Back to School" night - it was "meet the teachers" and registration all rolled into one night - Complete and total chaos. I felt completely out of my element. However I was pleasantly surprised to find out I get paid for my time there - and I did meet some parents and kids. Now in the next couple of days I've got to get my bus picked up and learn the route - and get times set. I do have a couple of kids that have never been to public school before - they've been homeschooled.

I'm feeling overwhelmed - seems like that's a common feeling lately. I feel like I need to step back and get some order in my life but don't know how. AT least the house is staying somewhat picked up.

There's a gorgeous sunset tonight - pink clouds and a pink glow over everything.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Quiet Day

Quiet day at home (mostly) today. It's a Sunday morning but Son2 is not feeling well at all - his eyes are swollen, he's itching, he's likely a bit feverish from his we are staying home. So now I get to figure out how to enjoy this unexpected "stay-home" day. Son2 is back in bed - hopefully going back to sleep for at least a couple of hours. He's had children's pain reliever and Benadryl so he should be good for a bit. I've got corn that has to be dealt with today - it was gifted to me yesterday from one of the Amish families - they were going to throw it out. I'm going to try to freeze it. But this morning I'm not going to start that - guess I will enjoy some quiet time and journalling (other than this) and then do some of the other stuff that needs done. Sunday I do try to keep a mostly quiet, chore-free day - gardening does not count as a chore in my book. I really enjoy spending time outside but the mosquitos have been so bad lately. Ok...guess I've rambled on enough. I'll write more another time.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fog & Amish runs's a very foggy morning. Actually the fog seems to be getting thicker the later it gets. We did have a chance of thunderstorms today but now that's gone. I've got Amish runs today - all local and driving a lady I really like. She's about my age I'm guessing - maybe abit younger and has two young boys. They are very blonde and the younger one is just a talker. The 8 year old is much more quiet. I love how - when they see me - they get these great big grins. That just makes my day. Anyway I'm taking her to spend some time with her sister this morning and then tonight to town. In between those runs I'm planning on getting the kitchen clean enough to do some canning either later today or tomorrow. Oh yes....I've also got to have dinner planned as I will be gone over the dinner hour.

Other than that I've gone blank on thoughts. I got the lawn mostly mowed yesterday - there's still a section at the hill and another at the front of the house that need done. There are some perennials that I want to get planted before school starts. Ok....I've got to scoot for now.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New Day

Today has been a better day overall though I don't feel like I accomplished much. I did get some mowing done tonight - since I had to start the grill again. (I cooked extra burgers for Son1's friend). I hadn't started any sooner because the mosquitos are so incredibly bad right now and I didn't want to put on bug spray. However going back out to grill meant putting on bug spray so I went ahead and mowed the dog area and started on the front of the house. I really do normally enjoy doing yard work and generally being outside but I HATE mosquitos.

Other than that I haven't done much today - read through my handbook for work and have started scanning the forms in the other book. Tomorrow I go in - either to help with bus inspection or simply to go over these forms. Friday is registration for Son2, Monday I go and drive my route and Monday night is meet the teacher at the school my route goes to. Then Wednesday afternoon is sports physicals & Wednesday night is meet the teacher for Son2. Thursday classes start. Between now and then...I have some stuff I need to return to stores in the city. There's also cleaning I want to get done and canning I need to get done. Also the refinance on the house will close soon (i hope!). So...there's lots on my plate.

Tiger had her second set of babies today - 6 this time. Four are various shades of grey - one of those has some orange & white in it as well; and the other 2 are yellow/orange striped. Tiger almost feels like she's got a couple more yet to deliver but it's hard to say - I'm not a vet. Oddball is getting big - she's due sometime in the next month but I can't say when. Hopefully - though I know it's a fact of life - we won't lose most of them this time. However having said that...I would then need to find homes for them. Yikes.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Overwhelmed the moment I'm feeling abit overwhelmed. School starts in 10 days or so and Monday is bus driver orientation. In the meantime I have two Amish runs tomorrow (was not expecting to have any) - that's not totally a bad thing except I'm tired now and was looking forward to resting tomorrow. I need to learn to say "no". Thankfully they were willing to work with me abit on the time they came home - hopefully they will be ready when I pick them up. Tuesday I have an appointment that I can't change & sometime this week I will close on the refinance on the house. That's a whole 'nother issue - my biggest fear there is that no matter what I do to the house I will be unable to get the appraisal to raise at all. Therefore any money I put into the house I will lose. (So far with two appraisals a year apart and the work I've put into it already - still hasn't brought the value up appreciably). I'm trying to figure out how I will get the stuff done this week that needs done around the house - and in general. I did get some mowing done today - my bedroom is much better as is the family room. One of these days I'm going to get the CHCH challenge going. Alright - must head to shower and bed - hopefully by the time I'm showered the washer will have finished so I can get Son1's shirt out to hang dry it.

Scripture that is running through my head right now is "My God will supply all your need". I see that supply with my Amish runs - keeps the car in gas and milk, etc in the house.

Catch-Up Time

Wow....alot has happened in the last few days. We've been to Chicago, I've got a bus route, school starts very very soon.....Thanksfully the weather has cooled off so it's abit easier to get motivated to get stuff done. The lawn has gotten very long and needs mowed. However I think it's still too wet and I know we need gas for the mower.

Today the goal is to get stuff done inside the house - getting stuff from our trip unpacked and put away as well as getting the stuff we left a mess cleaned up. I truly hate having to leave stuff a mess but it was such a spur of the moment trip that it just worked that way. I will need to go out and buy gas for the mower. I really want the house looking decent before Monday - not because anyone is coming over but because that's when all the school busy-ness starts. I have bus driver orientation at 7:00 am Monday morning (nothing like starting early!!)

Tomorrow I will leave to spend doing stuff I truly enjoy - outside puttering in the flower-beds or inside stitching or reading. My rest day involves trying not to cook or do chores of any sort except for dishes. (That is after church).

Better get - got to get the kids moving on their chores. I'm going to have to be right in there helping and supervising today.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Drop Back 10

Drop back 10 & punt.....I had intended to can my beets this morning - it should have been done much earlier in the week. I had the stove cleaned off, 2 counters cleaned, sink cleaned....only to realize that I was out of pint jars. I had called home the other day and asked Son1 if I had any - he said yes. However they turned out to be filled already - with peaches and strawberries. So now I have to drop back and rethink my day. I could run to the store and get more jars. However to do so simply for that is a waste of gas. I do that anyway- with gas at over $3.00/gal or do I stay home during the day - knowing that I'm going out tonight and try to get other stuff done at home? If so....what's the most efficient use of my time?

It's going to be another hot muggy day - actually worse than yesterday as the temps are supposed to get into the 90's. I'm already wanting the air conditioners running and am resisting that urge. We've had thunderstorms the past 2 nights and more are predicted for tonight. Tonight is Singles Night - and I'm planning on attending. It should be a really fun one again - I hope.

I guess I can clean and do laundry today. Am praying that I do actually have an Amish run tonight - taking one girl out to her boyfriend's. That will provide some gas for the car and really work well with my current schedule. I have another run tomorrow afternoon - unfortunately at this point it's only 1 person going out. I'm hoping that there will be more - I'm going ot have to raise my prices as it is.

Ok....I'll go finish the kitchen and work on getting Son2's carpet under his bookshelp out I guess. I may have to get more beets though before I can can them.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Much better today

I am feeling much better this morning - still didn't get to bed until after midnight but felt better when I got up this morning - and ate right away too. Son1 did get to go to the fair last night - Son2 and I stayed home. Son1 came home absolutely thrilled with how the derby went - and with the goal to enter his own derby car when he's old enough.

We had major major thunderstorms last night - continous lightening and heavy rain for close to half an hour. I really expected the power to go out - especially as at one point the security light in the back yard was out. AS far as I can tell from the house we didn't get any direct hits on the trees but I'm sure there are at least a few branches down. The storms eased up for abit then came back around 45 minutes later - I fell asleep then and don't know how long the second set lasted or how severe they were. There are more severe storms predicted for tonight as well.

I've got much catching up to do today as I didn't accomplish anything yesterday. However I did finish the section of carpet in Son2's room the other day.

This is likely a boring rambling post's my life at the moment.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I am completely exhausted this morning. Son2 was awake until midnight last night and I honestly don't know what time I went to sleep - it was after he finally settled. He's been having issues this week with getting to bed - hasn't been able to fall asleep in his own bed. I'm not sure what the deal is or how to help him - he won't talk about whatever might be bothering him. the moment I'm extremely exhausted and dizzy. However I can't go back to bed as I'm watching S's older girls this morning. I think I will lay down on the couch after I give one her meds. The boys want to go to the county fair tonight to watch the derby - it will be expensive so I'm not thrilled about it.

More another time...when I'm not so dizzy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Everyday stuff

Boy again I had vague ideas of what to write about - and they are gone. I'm going to be taking the kids and we are heading out to Warsaw shortly - Son1 isn't enthused but that's life. We need to go to the "cereal" store and I need to return a pair of pants to Kohl's. I can wear petites in capris but not in jeans - unfortunately. Today is going to be - hopefully - another relatively quiet day spent catching up on stuff. I want to finish pulling the carpet in Son2's room - at least mostly. His dresser has been pulled out from the wall for a couple of days now and I won't put it back until I get the carpet out from there. Then there is his bookshelf to unload and move to get the carpet under that. After that all that is left is his desk and his closet. I'll be glad to get it all out. I would really like to have Son1's room done before school starts but I'm not sure if that will happen or not. We did end up adding another shelf to his bookshelf in his room - now he's actually got some room there. Anyway if we end up getting the carpet out of both boys' rooms before school starts that will only leave mine to be done before I have to think about actually refinishing the floors. And I will feel like I actually accomplished something this summer. In the meantime I fight the on-going war with paper that comes into the house. I really want to burn our burn pile tonight - if it's not too terribly hot and if it doesn't rain.

The other issue I'm dealing with right now - relatively minor one that is - is protecting my birdfeeders from the raccoons. This year they are a major nuisance. They have destroyed two of my feeders completely and carried another one off somewhere - I haven't been able to find it. That one was new too and I really liked it. (insert sad smiley here). AT least I'm not the only one who considers them a major nuisance - the Amish have commented on how bad they are as well - and how big they are.

Well enough rambling for now - need to go get the boys moving so we can get our errands done before Son1 has running.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Everyday Stuff

ARGH - I did have thoughts in mind as to what to write about. Then I went to check on the kids - they are both ensconsed on the couch comfortably watching TV! So I'm going ot have to get after them to get Saturday chores done. With all the company we've had over the last month those have been neglected dreadfully as has our routine. However I completely enjoyed the company - it was so good to have it.

I've been outside already this morning - for an hour or so pulling weeds. I did most of the garden (such as it is) and one of my main flowerbeds. AS the grass was still wet and the soil was fairly damp as well I got quite muddy. However it's not too hot yet today so it was nice to be out. I've got my Saturday chores to do as well - laundry primarily. I want to get things picked up and cleaned thoroughly enough that Monday I can finish painting the small bathroom. Son2 has a fair bit of work to do - picking up the books he pulled off his brother's shelves last night. I will have to supervise that I'm sure. I was out doing an Amish run - and was supposed to have another one this evening. However I'm not sure if that will happen or not as the grandmother in that family was not doing well at all. It appeared as though they didn't expect her to live through the night. If I haven't heard anything by 4:00 pm I will check to see what's up - even if that means I have to go by there.

I have definitely realized that I have a much better day if I'm up before the boys - yesterday I slept in past when they got up. It left me headachy and dragging most of the day. Today - tho still very tired due to getting to bed very late last night I really don't have a headache and feel much better.

Better scoot - time to get dishwasher running, laundry going, etc. I would like to go to the fair this week but haven't made any decisions on that.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quiet Times

Yesterday adn today I've gotten up (by alarm) before the kids - I'm really really appreciating this. Yes I'm extremely tired because it's still difficult to get to bed at a reasonable hour. However it's so nice to get up early while the house is quiet - have breakfast and hear the birds singing. NOw today the goal is to get off this computer and get out to the family room and have some quiet time. I have to be in the shower in 20 minutes or so as I have another early run so I'd better get.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why Not the Church?

There's much to write about but right now I have one major question....Why is there no one in the local church that is willing to "adopt" two fatherless boys - to spend time with them outside of church functions, to call and take them out for a visit, to simply mentor them into becoming godly men?

There is a new ministry in the church we attend - S.T.I.C. - Serving Together in Christ. The "purpose" of the ministry is to be of assistance to the elderly, the handicapped and single parent families. I put down on my initial "about me" page that one of my needs was for someone to be a godly mentor and friend to the boys. Tonight - as I was dropping off Son1 for worship team practice I spoke with one of the "co-ordinatiors" of the ministry - she said she has some information from Big Brothers for me. What I wanted to say was "why aren't there people in the church willing to do this?" I don't want just any joe-blow to spend quality time with the boys. I want a man who is godly and willing to be a godly example to them - someone who is willing and able to speak of spiritual things, to pray with them....not just someone who will take them out to events. I'm not sure if I'm expressing myself clearly or not but anyway.....

Another time I will write about driving in tight circles in a parking lot, stoves going out, fun visits with dear friends.....

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Grandma - NOT

Went to Walmart this afternoon with Derek - my friend's son who I watched the last 24 hours. I had several comments on how cute he was - very true comments too especially at 15 months. I'm so glad he knows me and is comfortable with me. Having said that I had at least two people call me - verbally - "Grandma" assuming I was his. ARGH!! I know I need to do something with my hair but didn't think I looked that old. Nothing like adding to my emotional struggles of the day. :) Oh well....I did get 2 batches of peaches for jam and juice for jelly done today - using most of the peaches we picked last night. And I did that while Derek was here - he amused himself quite contentedly. I really should get out there and pick more but am going to try to wait until tomorrow evening.

Lynn and kids should be in about midnight....I'm really excited about this visit. I truly miss them all so much - and that hasn't decreased any. And I'm still grieving having to change jobs. But I have to trust that God is in control and He will work it out.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Doctors & Fruit Trees

It's been a busy couple of days but mostly enjoyable. Friday I ended up having both boys to the dr. - Son1 had an ear infection and an upper respiratory infection; Son2 had a throat infection - he's prone to strep throat. Both are now on antibiotics and today seem better. Friday evening Mom and Dad arrived for a visit - it's terrific to see them and have them here for a couple of days.

Saturday.....bird feeders got filled and rehung, flowers got transplanted, a couple of birdhouses got cleaned - one of which turned out to have an active nest in it. We are currently hoping the mama of the 3 rust colored eggs returns to care for them. And no more birdhouses have been cleaned. We also picked peaches - not quite ripe yet but the branch was so loaded it was in danger of breaking. Probably the most fun part of the day was hunting for ripe black raspberries (blackberries - not sure which it is) along the tree line of the property. Heedless of scratches, bug bites, thorns I pressed on to find more ripe ones - experienced the thrill of the chase. We got about 1 1/2 cups - not enough to make a pie or anything yet. However there are plenty more on the bushes. One of these days I'm going to get that area cleaned up. However I will wear proper shoes and long pants and bug spray when that happens.

I wish I knew how to insert dancing bananas and other emoticons....guess I will learn that eventually.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Trampolines & Amish Wedding Receptions

I should be heading to bed as it's almost 11:00 pm but....we were outside until almost 10:00. It's been a busy day - with both routine and new experiences. This morning a friend from church dropped off her son Brent - same age as my Son2 - for the day so she could go to work. All 3 boys played together very well for most of the day - alternated between being inside watching TV or doing PS2 or outside - riding scooters, rollerblades, playing with the water hoses or attempting to set up the new trampoline (that's been in the box in the barn for over a year now). I was really proud of all three boys - they got the parts out, sorted and lined up in the right order. They even got them started put together - until they were physically not strong enough to go any further. I wasn't either - so they willingly put everything back in the barn. In the meantime I worked on getting the mowing done on our two acres. I also knew I needed to get the gift wrapped and card made for the Amish wedding reception I was attending this evening. When Brent's dad came to pick him up he helped get the frame for the trampoline together....using a rubber mallet and me standing on the other end of whatever piece he was working on - holding it together with a log between my belly/hip and the frame. I simply can't describe how it looked.

By 5:15 I was still outside - gift not wrapped, card not made, still in sweaty, dirty shorts and t-shirt - and needing to be at the reception dinner by 6:00 pm! Quick shower, change - get card and gift together - head to car. Son 2 accidentally drops the gift and it shatters - still wrapped. So I head off with it in the car - knowing I can't deliver it. It was rather overwhelming to pull into this Amish home - filled with both Amish and "English" that I didn't know. I was made to feel very welcome and well fed. Probably my most enjoyable part of the evening was beginning to get to know just a few of the children that were there - trying to figure out who belonged to who and getting to play with a couple of babies.

Then home to spray the fruit trees, finish putting up the trampoline with another friend's help and finally inside to clean up (again). There's dishes to be done yet tonight and laundry that should be cared for. Yikes - a woman's work seems never to be done.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

For You Sis

I was reminded tonight that the purpose of blogging was to write stuff. Small problem - I haven't been able to think of much to write about. Actually that's not true - I think of stuff but by the time I get time to sit at the computer it's gone - guess I need to carry a notebook and write down at least the initial thought so that I can explore it later.

We had an amazing - for lack of a better description - thunderstorm this afternoon. Very dark sky, heavy downpour, pea-sized hail. Pea-sized hail doesn't sound like much but I haven't seen hail at all in the 2 years I've lived here. Both Son 2 and I got soaked running from the house to the barn and back - loved hearing the rain on the tin roof. (We actually went to the barn to close the door to protect the topless lawn mower.) It rained hard for about 15 minutes or so then quit and the sun came out. Thankfully my flowers didn't seem to be damaged and all got a good water. I'm slowly getting a perennial flower bed in. Actually this year I added some Gerbera daisies - dont' think those are really perennials. However I'm hoping that the seeds will come back next year. In the meantime, I have these cheerful, colorful flowers to enjoy while I'm waiting on my purple coneflower and shasta daisy to open.

This evening - after the storms had gone and the sun had come out for abit - we saw a doe in the yard under the apple tree by the fence. It probably stayed 10 or 15 minutes before it hopped back over the fence and disappeared into the woods. Of course I couldnt' remember where I'd put my camera so didn't get a picture this time. However I guess I need to go out tomorrow and take pictures of the flowerbeds I'm getting in.

Ok...I've rambled on enough. More another time.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Unmet Expectations

Tonight I sit here recovering from a bout of tears - over unmet expectations. I'm struggling with my past insecurities and questioning again the wisdom of making such a major move as moving from OK to IN. After all we still don't have any family here in IN. Of course - if we still lived in OK we would see my family much more rarely adn likely not see Mike's family at all. However I would still have a regular steady job, health insurance for myself and the boys. And I would still have friends that showed up to events involving the boys and were supportive. My darling Son 1 said that he couldn't imagine still living in OK - quite a compliment coming from someone who so deparately didn't want to move - let alone move this far away.

I expected - when we moved - that we would have been able to get into a church that I could make friends at without it taking two years. I expected that we would have regular times together with S & C and their family - and that C would be willing to mentor the boys. I expected that when I needed help the help would be there - somewhat willingly. I didnt' expect to feel like I was an imposition when I needed help getting a vehicle from one place to another - as it's impossible to drive two vehicles at once. Or when I needed someone to talk to. I expected that there would be people willing to attend the boys' events and to mentor them to be godly Christian men.

I question the wisdom of this move - yet I think back to the fact that I literally walked into a bus route rather than having to sub. I think back and realize that long before S found this house I had seen the "for sale" sign very late one night when we were coming for a visit - in the dark. I think back on how fast my house in OK sold even being in poor shape. And I realize that God's hand was in those details. So He knows the situation now - He knows how much I hurt inside over the job switch, over the loneliness and not fitting in; I have to believe that He still has a plan and that He is still in control. But the loneliness is HUGE and the responsiblity of being a single parent is also huge.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Wow. I did it - set this up myself. It's pretty easy as far as the basics are concerned. Now just to learn how to customize it and make it look neat. :)

It's been another busy day - watching my friend's kids; picking up a mess of plants that were otherwise going to be tossed in the trash, prepping strawberries for canning, trying to find the owners of the beautiful black lab that showed up in our yard this morning. Turned out her name was Sadie - and she's now back with her owners. I'm relieved as I really didn't want to turn her into the shelter - she was fairly young, looked to be in good health and very sweet. Also managed to work on #1 son's room - got that mostly done as far as getting it picked up goes. He will be responsible for keeping it neat. Now to get teh carpet out of #2 son's room and all those plants in the ground or bigger pots. Yikes.